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Austin's BaseballStats api

This is a practice exercise for me in creating a REST api with MongoDB, Express & Node.js, eventually planning to extend with a React.js front-end. Below I have instructions for building the database, running the Node server, and the different requests you can make. The api is accessible over the web here:

Request Options

Use /api before all of these endpoints to request JSON from the database. Anything in the paths below contained in curly brackets {} is meant for you to replace with your own query. Also since this is historical baseball data that should be immutable, I only allow for GET requests as a full-CRUD model with PATCH/POST/DELETE routes wouldn't make much sense in this application.


/teams - view all teams' data with an entry per-team per-season

/teams/{teamID} - view one teams' data with an entry per-season
EX - "/teams/SFN" -> see all SF Giants data (1958-2020)

/teams/byfranchise/{franchiseID} - view one franchise's data with an entry per-season
EX - "/teams/byfranchise/SFG" -> see all Giants franchise data including New York Gothams (1883-1884), New York Giants (1885-1957), & San Francisco Giants (1958-2020) NOTE - frachiseID typically corresponds to the 3 letters you'll see on a sports broadcast i.e. "OAK" -> Athletics, "SDP" -> Padres, "NYY" -> Yankees etc & this is a good way of finding a specific iteration of that franchise's teamID

/teams/byYear/{yearID} - view all teams' data in a specific season
EX - "/teams/byyear/2020" -> see data for all teams in 2020

/teams/byName/{nameContains} - view all teams' data that contain your name query
EX1 - "/teams/byname/Boston" -> data for 'Boston Red Stockings', 'Boston Red Caps', 'Boston Beaneaters', etc all the way through 'Boston Red Sox' because they all contain 'Boston'
EX2 - "/teams/byname/Red Sox" -> data only begins from 1908 because that's when the 'Boston Red Sox' were started
NOTE - the nameContains field is no longer case sensitive so "/teams/byname/red sox", "/teams/byname/Red Sox", & "/teams/byname/ReD sOx" all return the same data

Player Bios

/players - view all players' biographical data with one entry for each player

/players/{playerID} - view a singular players' biographical data (see bottom for help with playerIDs)

/players/firstname/{firstName} - see all players with a specific first name

/players/lastname/{lastName} - see all players with a specific last name

/players/name/{firstName}/{lastName} - see all players with a specific first & last name

Batting Stats

/batters - view all players' batting stats with one entry for each player per year

/batters/byplayer/{playerID} - view a singular player's batting stats with one entry per season, 2 entries if traded (see bottom for help with playerIDs)

/batters/byplayer/{playerID}/{year} - view a singular player's batting stats for a specific season, 2 entries if traded (see bottom for help with playerIDs)

/batters/byteam/{teamID} - view a singular team's batting stats with one entry per player per season

/batters/byteam/{teamID}/{year} - view a singular team's batting stats for a specific season

/batters/{ObjectID} - view a specific batter entry by mongoDB's hexidecimal ObjectID

Fielding Stats

/fielders - view all players' fielding stats with one entry for each player per year

/fielders/byplayer/{playerID} - view a singular player's fielding stats with one entry per season, 2 entries if traded (see bottom for help with playerIDs)

/fielders/byplayer/{playerID}/{year} - view a singular player's fielding stats for a specific season, 2 entries if traded (see bottom for help with playerIDs)

/fielders/byteam/{teamID} - view a singular team's fielding stats with one entry per player per season

/fielders/byteam/{teamID}/{year} - view a singular team's fielding stats for a specific season

/fielders/{ObjectID} - view a specific fielder entry by mongoDB's hexidecimal ObjectID

Pitching Stats

/pitchers - view all players' pitching stats with one entry for each player per year

/pitchers/byplayer/{playerID} - view a singular player's pitching stats with one entry per season, 2 entries if traded (see bottom for help with playerIDs)

/pitchers/byplayer/{playerID}/{year} - view a singular player's pitching stats for a specific season, 2 entries if traded (see bottom for help with playerIDs)

/pitchers/byteam/{teamID} - view a singular team's pitching stats with one entry per player per season

/pitchers/byteam/{teamID}/{year} - view a singular team's pitching stats for a specific season

/pitchers/{ObjectID} - view a specific pitcher entry by mongoDB's hexidecimal ObjectID

Help With playerIDs

playerIDs are made up of:

  • first 5 chars of the player's last name
  • first 2 chars of the player's first name
  • 2-digit number to separate duplicates


tatisfe02 - playerID for Fernando Tatis Jr
tatisfe01 - playerID of Fernando Tatis Sr
The difference between junior & senior is the 2-digit number at the end

NOTE - playerID is no longer case sensitive so "tatisfe02", "TATISFE02", & "TaTiSfE02" all return the same data

Building the App on Your Machine

NOTE - Building the app on your local machine is no longer very necessary as I've made the api accessible over the internet here:



The databank I used for this project is provided for free by the Chadwick Baseball Bureau, whose professional clients include baseball-reference, one of the main inspirations of this project. You can find the public/free version hosted on their GitHub here. For my purposes I used only the Teams, People, Batting, Fielding, & Pitching CSV files & have included this more consolidated version of CBB's databank for your convenience. The data contained in the databank includes the 1871-2020 MLB seasons.

Recreating the db on Your Machine Using Mongoimport

You will need to make sure you have both MongoDB and the MongoDB database Tools in order to recreate this database. Here are the links to download these:

After installing these, follow these steps to build the baseballStats database on your MongoDB:

  1. Navigate to the root '\baseballStats' repo directory in your CLI
  2. Enter the '\baseballdatabank-master' directiory
  3. Ensure MongoDB is accessible as a service on your machine and run mongod to start it if it isn't
  4. Run these commands to mongoimport the CSVs in the folder:
mongoimport --type csv -d baseballStats -c teams --headerline --file Teams.csv
mongoimport --type csv -d baseballStats -c players --headerline --file People.csv
mongoimport --type csv -d baseballStats -c batters --headerline --file Batting.csv
mongoimport --type csv -d baseballStats -c fielders --headerline --file Fielding.csv
mongoimport --type csv -d baseballStats -c pitchers --headerline --file Pitching.csv

In case you aren't familiar with mongoimport, --type csv is specifying file-type, -d baseballStats is specifying to use the db 'baseballStats', -c {colleciton} is specifying the collection for mongo to create, --headerline tells mongoimport the first line of the csv are the fields, and --file {filename.csv} specifies which file to load in.

Node Server

In order to start the Node server you will need to verify you have node & npm installed.
Verify this with these commands:

node -v
npm -v

If these don't return a version number, you can install them here. After you install these, you should be able to start the server by running node index in the repo directory. If it starts, you should see this printed in the console:

Db connected successfully
Running baseballStats on port 8080

If you receive Error connecting db, verify your MongoDB is running properly. If not, you should
now be able to send requests to localhost:8080 and receive a Hello World with Express response.