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A.J. Romaniello edited this page Jan 24, 2021 · 7 revisions

In order for non-op to use the plugin you must have a permissions plugin installed. I recommend LuckPerms. And then follow the guide on how to add the following permissions.

Command Permission Description
/bpp backpacksplus.use Allow the player to see their currently available backpacks.
/bpp give backpacksplus.give Allow the player to give others backpacks
/bpp reload backpacksplus.reload Reload the plugin and files.
/bpp help Show the help page.

Per BackPack Permission

  • In order for a player to use a backpack they must have the permission as follows: backpack.use.<BackPack>
  • In order for a player to craft a backpack they must have the permission as follows: backpack.craft.<Backpack>
  • To give craft or usage permissions for all backpacks you can do: backpack.<craft/use>.*
  • To give craft and usage of all backpacks you can do: backpack.*

BackPackLimiter - BETA (Only if enabled in config.yml)

  • To bypass checking for excess BackPacks use backpacks.limit.*
  • To set a limit for a group of players, use backpacks.limit.<NumberOfBackPacks>
  • For example, a player with backpacks.limit.4 would only be able to carry 4 backpacks in their inventory at a time.