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This project makes it easy to integrate with oAuth2 - process of authenticating and authorization.

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AJOAuth2 example is showing the process of authenticating against an OAuth 2 provider.


This project makes it easy to integrate:

User Component

  • oAuth2 - process of authenticating and authorization.

This example is based on OAuth 2.0 Protocol. It implements the native application which is written in ObjC and supports end-user authorization and authentication. Furthermore it also supports the user credentials flow from end-user for their username and password and use them directly to obtain an access token thereafter show profile and you can change edit the profile and change password of user.

Table Of Contents

  1. Xcode 8
  2. CocoaPods, Here is the Installation Guide
  3. Min iOS Version 9.3

Follow along the Wiki to find out more.


Below are the third-party libraries used in this application demo, It offers us to easy and fast integration.

  • pod 'AFOAuth2Manager' => mechanism of oAuth2
  • pod 'MCLocalization' => Support Localization stuff (with multiple languages)
  • pod 'SVProgressHUD' => Loading wait Indicators
  • pod 'JJMaterialTextField' => Materialized Textfield
  • pod 'LGSideMenuController' => Slider Animation
  • pod 'SDWebImage', '~>3.8' => Image Caching and load on UIImageView

Keep all strings in localization files right from the beginning. It is good not only for translations but also for finding user-facing text quickly stuff. If you want to support any other language, Let say German language, you need only two things to do make it work.

  • Add de.json file into the project and always better to add json file under Supporting files folder structure. Also, copy key-value pairs from en.json and add values to their text languages in de.json.
  • Modify getLanguages() method which is defined in Helper.m and add de is internal_name and German is display_name of the language.
return @{
         @"languages": @[
                        @{ @"internal_name":@"en" , @"display_name":@"English" },
                        @{ @"internal_name":@"hi" , @"display_name":@"Hindi"},
                        @{ @"internal_name":@"de" , @"display_name":@"German"}

Here's the TODO list for the next release (2.0).

  • Refactoring of source code.
  • Add API and UI tests.
  • Correct all issues.

Patches and pull requests are welcome! We are sorry if it takes a while to review them, but sooner or later we will get to yours. Note that we are using the git-flow model of branching and releasing, so please create pull requests against the develop branch.

AJOAuth2 is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.


This project makes it easy to integrate with oAuth2 - process of authenticating and authorization.






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