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Chat App

This is a simple react native chat application that uses The focus of this app is to implement a chat app where users can chat either one on one or in a group. This app is very basic. It uses context for state management. The state is not persisted and also the image is generated by using a random image generator url. So if you see different images loading don't be alarmed.


  • Clone the repo and run either yarn install or npm install
  • You have to signup on to get your api key. When you do, create a .env file and give it a key named STREAM_KEY and pass it the value of your api key. Please note the app you create should be a development build and not a production build on dashboard.
  • Login with the with the name john or james and use the email of or respectively.
  • To test, run your android and ios emulators. Login as john on one and as james on another. Then you can start chatting to see how the feature works