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Extend webelement (#21)
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* Begin work on extending the web-element

* Begin work on extending the web-element

* Extend the WebElement within the co-routines

* Pass in timeout

* Extend the WebElement within the co-routines
  • Loading branch information
ajaxscape committed Dec 19, 2016
1 parent f8a3ef5 commit e25c924
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<a href=""><img src="" alt="bitHound Dev Dependencies"></a>

I had two motivations behind Tamarin. The first was to convert the steps behind my cucumber tests from ruby to javascript _(It seems these days that the front-end javascript developers end up maintaining the ruby steps .... and they hate it!)_ and the second was to simplify those steps to only include the actual tests and not all that extra code just to make the tests work consistently.
__Tamarin__ allows the tester/developer to concentrate on the functionality that needs to be tested rather than the boiler-plate code around it in order for the test to work.

To do this I asked myself __As a user would I ever click on an invisible link, type in a disabled field or select an item from a dynamically loaded dropdown that hadn't loaded yet?__ My answer was __of course I wouldn't!__ so why do we have to write tests to make sure this doesn't happen? What if all that extra code was abstracted away and all you had to do was implement a one-line "click" and everything else was taken care of?
That was the idea behind Tamarin. A little monkey behind the scenes doing all the hard work for you.
I have often asked myself __As a user would I ever click on an invisible link, type in a disabled field or select an item from a dynamically loaded dropdown that hadn't loaded yet?__ My answer was __of course I wouldn't!__ so why do we have to write tests to make sure this doesn't happen? What if all that extra code was abstracted away and all you had to do was implement a one-line "click" and everything else was taken care of?

As an extension to [Cucumber.js](, __tamarin__ allows the tester/developer to concentrate on the functionality that needs to be tested rather than the boiler-plate code around it in order for the test to work.
Note the following files taken from the example project: [tamarin-vanilla-example](

An example of how to use __tamarin__ can be found in the project [tamarin-example](

Note the following feature file taken from the example:
const googleSearch = require('./google_search')
.then(() => {
console.log('Google search completed successfully')
.catch((err) => {
console.error('Google search failed')
throw err

Feature: Do a Google Search
Using a web browser
I want to perform a Google search
const World = require('./world').World
const world = new World()

Scenario: Google Search
Given I visit
Then I expect the title to be "Google"
When I search for "Tamarin"
When I click the "Images" menu link
Then I expect to see some "Image" results
const page = {
'search': { css: '[title="Search"]' },
'navLink': { xpath: '//*[@role="navigation"]//a[text()="Images"]' },
'results': { css: 'img[alt="Image result for Tamarin"]' }

The corresponding step definitions file is as follows:
module.exports = {
quit: () => world.quit(),
test: () => world.visit('')
.then(() => world.waitForTitle('Google'))
.then(() => world.sendKeys(, 'Tamarin' + '\n'))
.then(() =>
.then(() => world.waitFor(page.results))

'use strict'

const page = {
'search': { css: '[title="Search"]' },
'navLink': (linkText) => ({ xpath: `//*[@role="navigation"]//a[text()="${linkText}"]` }),
'results': (type, searchTerm) => ({ css: `img[alt="${type} result for ${searchTerm}"]` })
const driver = require('./driver')
const tamarin = require('tamarin')

module.exports = {
World: class extends tamarin {
constructor () {
quit () {
return this.getDriver()
.then((driver) => driver.quit())

'use strict'

const webDriver = require('selenium-webdriver')
const chrome = require('selenium-webdriver/chrome')
const service = new chrome.ServiceBuilder(require('chromedriver').path).build()

module.exports = function () {
this.Given(/^I visit (https?:\/\/.*\..*)$/, function visitStep (url) {
return this.visit(url)

this.Then(/^I expect the title to be "([^"]*)"$/, function waitForTitleStep (title) {
return this.waitForTitle(title)

this.When(/^I search for "([^"]*)"$/, function enterSearchTermStep (searchTerm) {
return this.setData('searchTerm', searchTerm)
.then(() => this.sendKeys(, searchTerm + '\n'))

this.When(/^I click the "([^"]*)" menu link$/, function clickMenuLinkStep (linkText) {

this.Then(/^I expect to see some "([^"]*)" results$/, function waitForResultsStep (type) {
return this.getData('searchTerm')
.then((searchTerm) => this.waitFor(page.results(type, searchTerm)))
return new webDriver.Builder()

Under the hood, __tamarin__ waits until an element exists, is visible and enabled prior to performing such actions such as clicking a button or keying text into an input field.

## API
__tamarin__ adds the following functions to the __cucumber.js__ world object:
__tamarin__ contains the following functions within the tamarin world object:
* setData (key, val)
* getData (key) .. _returns a promise resolving to the val of the key value pair_
* sleep (delay) .. _returns a promise_
* visit (url) .. _returns a promise_
* waitForTitle (title) .._returns a promise resolving to true if found_
* waitForCookie (cookieName) .._returns a promise resolving to a cookie_
* waitForUrl () .._returns a promise resolving to the current url_
* waitFor (selector/web element) .._returns a promise resolving to a web element_
* whenExists (selector/web element) .._returns a promise resolving to a web element_
* whenEnabled (selector/web element) .._returns a promise resolving to a web element_
* whenDisabled (selector/web element) .._returns a promise resolving to a web element_
* whenVisible (selector/web element) .._returns a promise resolving to a web element_
* whenHidden (selector/web element) .._returns a promise resolving to a web element_
* whenMatches (selector/web element, val) .._returns a promise resolving to a web element_
* whenContains (selector/web element, val) .._returns a promise resolving to a web element_
* sendKeys (selector/web element, value) .._returns a promise resolving to a web element_
* hover (selector/web element, delay) .._returns a promise resolving to a web element_
* click (selector/web element) .._returns a promise resolving to a web element_
* getText (selector/web element) .._returns a promise resolving to the text within the web element_
* getVal (selector/web element) .._returns a promise resolving to the value of the web element_
* waitFor (selenium_selector) .._returns a promise resolving to a web element_
* whenExists (selenium_selector) .._returns a promise resolving to a web element_
* whenEnabled (selenium_selector) .._returns a promise resolving to a web element_
* whenDisabled (selenium_selector) .._returns a promise resolving to a web element_
* whenVisible (selenium_selector) .._returns a promise resolving to a web element_
* whenHidden (selenium_selector) .._returns a promise resolving to a web element_
* whenMatches (selenium_selector, val) .._returns a promise resolving to a web element_
* whenContains (selenium_selector, val) .._returns a promise resolving to a web element_
* sendKeys (selenium_selector, value) .._returns a promise resolving to a web element_
* hover (selenium_selector, delay) .._returns a promise resolving to a web element_
* click (selenium_selector) .._returns a promise resolving to a web element_
* getText (selenium_selector) .._returns a promise resolving to the text within the web element_
* getVal (selenium_selector) .._returns a promise resolving to the value of the web element_

## Install

Expand All @@ -108,22 +127,4 @@ Tamarin is available as an npm module.
$ npm i tamarin -D

Tamarin can also be installed globally as a cli

``` shell
$ npm i tamarin -g

When installed globally, the following is available:
``` shell
Usage: tamarin [options]


-h, --help output usage information
-V, --version output the version number
-b, --build Build example features
-t, --test Start test

More to come!
5 changes: 3 additions & 2 deletions lib/co-routines.js
Expand Up @@ -118,11 +118,12 @@ const get = (world, defaultTimeout) => {

findElement: co(function * (el) {
findElement: co(function * (el, timeout) {
try {
if (!(el instanceof WebElement)) {
const driver = yield world.getDriver()
el = yield driver.findElement(el)
el = yield driver.findElement(el, timeout || defaultTimeout)
Object.assign(el, get(world, defaultTimeout))
return Promise.resolve(el)
} catch (e) {
Expand Down
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion package.json
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
"name": "tamarin",
"version": "1.0.27",
"description": "Tamarin cucumber.js world extensions",
"description": "Tamarin: extendable asynchronous wrapper around selenium-webdriver",
"main": "index.js",
"bin": "./bin/tamarin.js",
"scripts": {
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