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Growl and safit HOWTO

Andy Hartford edited this page Dec 4, 2013 · 3 revisions

I've tested this with growl 2.1.3. Here's some steps to get things working.

safit on the mac

As far as I know, all that's needed is for growl to be started and this command should display a growl message:

$ safit

safit from a remote host

Growl needs to be configured to accept incoming notifications on the network.

  1. Open the growl preferences and select the Network tab.
  2. Check the box that says Listen for incoming notifications.
  3. Setting a server password is also probably a good idea.

screenshot of growl preferences

Safit also needs to be configured with the hostname or ip of the host where growl is running. This can be done with a ~/.safitrc file which is in yaml format. Here's an example:

# in ~/.safitrc
  host: 'your_host_name_or_ip'
  passwd: 'your_growl_password'

If ssh is being used, a nice trick is to use the SSH_CLIENT environment variable to find the mac's ip address. This is useful when shelling from the mac with growl to a remote host. My .safitrc looks like:

# in ~/.safitrc
  host: <%= ENV['SSH_CLIENT'] ? ENV['SSH_CLIENT'].split(' ').first : 'your_host_name_or_ip' %>
  passwd: 'your_growl_password'

The rc file is run through erb which is what the <%= and %> stuff is about.

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