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271 lines (213 loc) · 10.9 KB


Changes in version 0.17.0 (15 October 2018)

  • Minor bug fix in RmarineHeatWaves.R, i.e. sort function in 'clim_only' on l.336.

Changes in version 0.17.0 (4 June 2018)

  • Add start-up message.
  • Minor bug fixes.
  • Reached end of active development cycle.

Changes in version 0.16.4 (28 April 2018)

  • Remove restriction to require full years for start/end points of climatology calculations in detect().
  • Documentation updated accordingly.
  • Fix error with smooth_percentile and smooth_percentile_width descriptions that were interchanged.

Changes in version 0.16.3 (18 April 2018)

  • Bug fix to the block_event() function.

Changes in version 0.16.2 (3 March 2018)

  • Bug fix to the event_line() function.

Changes in version 0.16.1 (28 February 2018)

  • Repaired event_line(), which broke in v.0.16.0 due to an edit there to enable using arbitrary column headers for the date and temperature columns (previously the defaults were 't' and 'temp').

Changes in version (18 January 2018)

  • detect() now reurns a list with two tibbles, rather than data.frames as before.

Changes in version 0.16.0 (6 January 2018)

  • The make_whole(), detect() and exceedance() functions now handle any arbitrary column names, which are specified via arguments to the function.
  • Remove dependence on magrittr.
  • More consistent use of tidyverse packages throughout.
  • Updates to examples.
  • Miscellaneous other improvements troughout the function internals.

Changes in version 0.15.9 (19 June 2017)

  • Warnings given by exceedance() when exceedances begin/end on the first/last day of the time series have been corrected --- it will now report an NA when the exceedance occurs at the start/end of the time series.
  • Some plyr routines phased out in exceedance function in favour of a dplyr approach.

Changes in version 0.15.8 (18 June 2017)

  • Further removed need for plyr functions --- use dplyr instead.

Changes in version 0.15.7 (18 June 2017)

  • Warnings given by detect() when events begin/end on the first/last day of the time series have been corrected --- it will now report an NA when the event occurs at the start/end of the time series. This bug was highlighted by Juan Bazo.
  • Documentation in detect() about the use of percentiles with cold-spells has been made more clear.
  • Dependency on some plyr functions have been started to be phased out; this is done to eventually ensure full compliance with the tidyverse suite of functions.
  • Remove some unwanted attributes that resulted from dplyr::group_by on lines 496 and 497. The list containing 'event' and 'clim' is now uncluttered by unwanted attributes.

Changes in version 0.15.6 (6 March 2017)

  • Update README.Rmd to correct figure paths.

Changes in version 0.15.5 (6 March 2017)

  • Update to 'protoFunc' helper function within 'detect'; in the previous version it returned the error "Error: not compatible with STRSXP" under rare circumstances, the cause of which remains unknown.
  • Update the calculation of proto_gaps for the same reason.

Changes in version 0.15.4 (5 March 2017)

  • The detect() function now also produces a 'climatological' variance.
  • Improve documentation in a help file.

Changes in version 0.15.3 (28 February 2017)

  • The detect() function may now be told to calculate climatologies only.

Changes in version 0.15.2 (18 February 2017)

  • Updating, README.Rmd files.
  • Updating the vignette.

Changes in version 0.15.1 (15 February 2017)

  • 'exceedence' changed to 'exceedance' throughout.

Changes in version 0.15.0 (15 February 2017)

  • Final edits to 'geom_flame' and 'geom_lolli';
    • specifically in geom_flame, small gaps in the corners of polygons are now being filled in correctly.
  • Updated examples.

Changes in version 0.14.6 (15 February 2017)

  • Edits to 'geom_flame' and 'geom_lolli'.

Changes in version 0.14.5 (14 February 2017)

  • Edits to 'geom_flame' and 'geom_lolli'.

Changes in version 0.14.4 (11 February 2017)

  • Changed 'geom_event_line' and 'geom_lolli_plot' to 'geom_flame' and 'geom_lolli'
  • These new functions are now proper ggplot geoms.

Changes in version 0.14.3 (31 January 2017)

  • Corrected plotting error in event polygons in 'event_line' function
  • Added two new functions: 'geom_event_line' and 'geom_lolli_plot' which may be used with ggplot2 directly as geoms.

Changes in version 0.14.2 (26 January 2017)

  • Fix bug which was that was brought to my attention by Mahmoud Haouari: enable the pctile option in the detect() function, which was accidentally disabled.

Changes in version 0.14.1 (10 January 2017)

  • Improved error messages in exceedance().
  • Bug fix.

Changes in version 0.14.0 (11 December 2016)

  • All changes since version 0.13.1.

Changes in version (11 December 2016)

  • Minor edits to documentation.
  • Corrected issue where the event_line graph's y-axis did not reflect the correct units for the metric selected for plotting.
  • Updated the theme, i.e. removed the default ggplot2 theme in favour of a more conventional white background with nice black axes.
  • Removed the legend that indicated the peak and secondary events from the event_line plot.
  • Repositioned the legend in the event_line plot: it is now int he bottom right corner as here it has less chance of plotting over the peak events when the graph is rescaled.

Changes in version (23 November 2016)

  • Minor update to exceedance() function to improve usability.
  • Usage of exceedance() shown in README file

Changes in version (22 October 2016)

  • The additions to the detect() function madde in the previous update have been rolled back in favour of creating an independent function to calculate exceedances.

Changes in version (22 October 2016)

  • Added 'threshold' variable to detect() function.
  • This now allows the function to detect when temperatures are over (under) a static threshold supplied by the user.
  • An example is given in the file

Changes in version (8 October 2016)

  • Expanded example included as package vignette.

Changes in version (8 October 2016)

  • Added a marine cold spell example.

Changes in version (9 September 2016)

  • Correcting a few typos.

Changes in version (9 June 2016)

  • The new development version.

Changes in version 0.13.1 (9 June 2016)

  • Edit to file.

Changes in version 0.13.0 (8 June 2016)

  • Significant changes to detection algorithm:
    • ... more extensive use of magrittr pipe operators %>% and %<>%
    • ... simplification of protoFunc helper function
    • ... removal of automatic start/end day calculation if these are not provided
    • ... climatology start/end dates must now always be explicitely set
    • ... finally enabled join_across_gaps option
    • ... fixed a bug that caused the function to fail when none of the gaps between events (i.e. proto_gaps) were less than max_gap
  • Update examples to accommodate these changes.

Changes in version 0.12.2 (6 June 2016)

  • Add file.
  • Various minor changes to documentation of several functions.

Changes in version 0.12.1 (6 June 2016)

  • Fix Windows build dependency warnings.

Changes in version 0.12.0 (2 June 2016)

  • Added lolliplot functionality -- lolli_plot().

Changes in version 0.11.2 (2 June 2016)

  • Simplify make_whole() -- it should accept dates as class POSIXct or Date without the need for unneccesary 'if' logic.
  • All example data dates (t) changed to class Date.
  • Some minor rewording to documentation.

Changes in version 0.11.1 (1 June 2016)

  • Minor edits to event_line() as per Robert Schlegel (allows broader selection of metrics for plotting.)

Changes in version 0.11.0 (1 June 2016)

  • block_average() rewritten -- it is now based upon dplyr functions so it is faster and more stream-lined.
  • Completely removed the use of reshape2 in favour of tidyr.

Changes in version 0.10.3 (1 June 2016)

  • All comments removed inside of functions.

Changes in version 0.10.2 (1 June 2016)

  • Minor changes to the version change info provided for v0.10.1.

Changes in version 0.10.1 (31 May 2016)

  • Fixed a bug that caused detect() to fail whenever it encountered fewer than two non-NAs in the period doy 59 to doy 61 when it was asked to interpolate over the non-existent day-60 during non-leap years. This is specific to versions of 'zoo' (required for na.approx()) up to 1.7-12; from 1.7-13 it works fine. A few extra lines of code were added to fix this.

Changes in version 0.10.0 (30 May 2016)

  • Added the block_average() function.

Changes in version 0.9.3 (29 May 2016)

  • Expanded documentation.

Changes in version 0.9.2 (29 May 2016)

  • Changes to event_line() documentation.
  • Renamed 'metric' options to function as 'mean', 'maximum', 'cumulative'.
  • Added more TODOs at the bottom of this file.

Changes in version 0.9.1 (28 May 2016)

  • Minor refinements to the documentation (i.e. package description).

Changes in version 0.9.0 (28 May 2016)

  • Replace 'mhw' with 'event'.
  • Add basic plotting functionality a-la Robert Schlegel in the form of the event_line() function (plus edits to make Rob's code produce a clean build process, thereby avoiding throwing 'notes' that might be frowned upon by the CRAN people.)
  • Renamed some things: 'make_whole.R' -> 'makeWhole.R'; 'marineHeatWaves-package.r' -> 'RmarineHeatWaves-package.r'; 'marineHeatWaves.R' -> 'RmarineHeatWaves.R'.

Changes in version 0.8.2 (22 May 2016)

  • Include CITATION file.
  • Update DESCRIPTION file.
  • Update author, creator and contributor roles.

Changes in version 0.8.1 (22 May 2016)

  • Add dates to file.

Changes in version 0.8.0 (22 May 2016)

  • Marine cold spell option enabled.
  • Hacky changes to suppress some notes during package compilation, needed for acceptance to CRAN, apparently.

Changes in version 0.7.0 (20 May 2016)

  • Internal variable name changes (replace more camelCase).
  • Less problematic handling of NA.
  • Improved/expanded documentation.

Changes in version 0.6.0 (19 May 2016)

  • Internal variable name changes (replace camelCase).
  • Split out make_whole() function.
  • Add make_whole() example.

Changes in version 0.5.0 (18 May 2016)

  • Added data and a functional example.
  • Slightly improved documentation.

Changes in version 0.4.0 (18 May 2016)

  • Robert Schlegel added as co-author for work on graphing functions.

Changes in version 0.3.0 (18 May 2016)

  • Changed 'eventNo' calculation to properly reflect the actual events, and not one of the proto-event types.
  • Changed ID variable in 'mhw' output to 'eventNo', thereby following the same naming convention.
  • Removed ', .id = NULL' from the event metrics 'ldply' calculations, enabling compatibility with plyr (version < 1.8.3).

Changes in version 0.2.0 (17 May 2016)

  • Add 'eventNo' to climatology output to identify each unique event and to fascilitate plotting of filled polygons using 'geom_polygon' in ggplot2, as per Robert Schlegel's suggestion.