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modular dchart package

This package is planned to eventually replace the existing dchart package it contains more discrete chart functions that are designed to be composed.

Package dchart2 makes charts using the deck markup

NameValue is a name,value pair

ChartBox holds the essential data for making a chart

ReadTSV reads tab separated values into a ChartBox

ReadTSV(r io.Reader) (ChartBox, error)

ReadCSV reads CSV values into a ChartBox

ReadCSV(r io.Reader, csvcols string) (ChartBox, error)

Bar makes a (column) bar chart

(c *ChartBox) Bar(deck *generate.Deck, size float64)

ConditionalBar makes a bar chart with conditional coloring

(c *ChartBox) ConditionalBar(deck *generate.Deck, size float64, cmin, cmax float64, color string)

WBar makes a word-based horizontal bar chart

(c *ChartBox) WBar(deck *generate.Deck, linespacing float64, showval, showpct bool)

HBar makes a horizontal bar chart

(c *ChartBox) HBar(deck *generate.Deck, size, linespacing float64)

ConditionalHBar makes a horizontal bar chart with conditional coloring

(c *ChartBox) ConditionalHBar(deck *generate.Deck, size, linespacing float64, cmin, cmax float64, color string)

Line makes a line chart

(c *ChartBox) Line(deck *generate.Deck, size float64)

ConditionalLine makes a line chart with conditional coloring

(c *ChartBox) ConditionalLine(deck *generate.Deck, size float64, cmin, cmax float64, color string)

Scatter makes a scatter chart

(c *ChartBox) Scatter(deck *generate.Deck, size float64)

ConditionalScatter makes a scatter chart

(c *ChartBox) ConditionalScatter(deck *generate.Deck, size float64, cmin, cmax float64, color string)

Area makes a area chart

(c *ChartBox) Area(deck *generate.Deck)

HDot makes a dotted horizontal bar chart

(c *ChartBox) HDot(deck *generate.Deck, size, linespacing float64)

VDot makes a vertical dotted bar chart

(c *ChartBox) VDot(deck *generate.Deck, size float64, color string)

PMap makes a proportional map

(c *ChartBox) PMap(deck *generate.Deck, pwidth, pmlen float64, showvalues, solid bool)

Slope makes a slope chart

(c *ChartBox) Slope(deck *generate.Deck, linewidth float64)

Donut makes donut and pie charts

(c *ChartBox) Donut(deck *generate.Deck, psize, pwidth float64, showval, solid bool)

Radial makes a radial chart

(c *ChartBox) Radial(deck *generate.Deck, psize, pwidth float64, showspokes, showvalues bool)

PGrid makes a proportional grid with the specified rows and columns

(c *ChartBox) PGrid(deck *generate.Deck, linespacing float64, rows, cols int, showvalues bool)

YAxis makes the Y axis with optional grid lines

(c *ChartBox) YAxis(deck *generate.Deck, min, max, step float64, gridlines bool)

XLabel makes the x axis labels

(c *ChartBox) XLabel(deck *generate.Deck, n int)

XStaggerLabel makes staggered x axis labels

(c *ChartBox) XStaggerLabel(deck *generate.Deck, n int)

XRotateLabel makes rotated x axis labels

(c *ChartBox) XRotateLabel(deck *generate.Deck, angle float64, n int)

RegressionLine makes a regression line from a data set

(c *ChartBox) RegressionLine(deck *generate.Deck, size float64)

Values places chart values

(c *ChartBox) Values(deck *generate.Deck, offset float64)

CTitle makes a centered title

(c *ChartBox) CTitle(deck *generate.Deck, offset float64)

Frame makes a filled frame with the specified opacity (0-100)

(c *ChartBox) Frame(deck *generate.Deck, opacity float64)

Notes places notes

(c *ChartBox) Notes(deck *generate.Deck, position string)

LineNote places a note with a horizontal line set at a value

(c *ChartBox) LineNote(deck *generate.Deck, v float64, s string, size float64)

Grid makes a grid

(c *ChartBox) Grid(deck *generate.Deck, size, step float64)

MapRange maps the range (low1, high1) to (low2, high2)

MapRange(value, low1, high1, low2, high2 float64) float64


experimental modular charting package






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