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folly/Synchronized.h introduces a simple abstraction for mutex- based concurrency. It replaces convoluted, unwieldy, and just plain wrong code with simple constructs that are easy to get right and difficult to get wrong.


Many of our multithreaded Thrift services (not to mention general concurrent C++ code) use shared data structures associated with locks. This follows the time-honored adage of mutex-based concurrency control "associate mutexes with data, not code". Examples are abundant and easy to find. For example:

    class AdPublisherHandler : public AdPopulatorIf,
                               public fb303::FacebookBase,
                               public ZkBaseApplication {
      OnDemandUpdateIdMap adsToBeUpdated_;
      ReadWriteMutex adsToBeUpdatedLock_;

      OnDemandUpdateIdMap limitsToBeUpdated_;
      ReadWriteMutex limitsToBeUpdatedLock_;

      OnDemandUpdateIdMap campaignsToBeUpdated_;
      ReadWriteMutex campaignsToBeUpdatedLock_;

Whenever the code needs to read or write some of the protected data, it acquires the mutex for reading or for reading and writing. For example:

    void AdPublisherHandler::requestUpdateAdId(const int64_t adId,
                                               const int32_t dbId) {
      RWGuard g(adsToBeUpdatedLock_, RW_WRITE);
      adsToBeUpdated_[dbId][adId] = 1;
      adPublisherMonitor_->addStatValue("request_adId_update", 1, dbId);
      LOG(INFO) << "received request to update ad id " << adId;

The pattern is an absolute classic and present everywhere. However, it is inefficient, makes incorrect code easy to write, is prone to deadlocking, and is bulkier than it could otherwise be. To expand:

  • In the code above, for example, the critical section is only the line right after RWGuard's definition; it is frivolous that everything else (including a splurging LOG(INFO)) keeps the lock acquired for no good reason. This is because the locked regions are not visible; the guard's construction introduces a critical section as long as the remainder of the current scope.

  • The correctness of the technique is entirely predicated on convention. There is no ostensible error for code that:

    • manipulates a piece of data without acquiring its lock first
    • acquires a different lock instead of the intended one
    • acquires a lock in read mode but modifies the guarded data structure
    • acquires a lock in read-write mode although it only has const access to the guarded data
    • acquires one lock when another lock is already held, which may lead to deadlocks if another thread acquires locks in the inverse order

Introduction to folly/Synchronized.h

The same code sample could be rewritten with Synchronized as follows:

    class AdPublisherHandler : public AdPopulatorIf,
                               public fb303::FacebookBase,
                               public ZkBaseApplication {

    void AdPublisherHandler::requestUpdateAdId(const int64_t adId,
                                               const int32_t dbId) {
      SYNCHRONIZED (adsToBeUpdated_) {
        adsToBeUpdated_[dbId][adId] = 1;
      adPublisherMonitor_->addStatValue("request_adId_update", 1, dbId);
      LOG(INFO) << "received request to update ad id " << adId;

The rewrite does at maximum efficiency what needs to be done: acquires the lock associated with the OnDemandUpdateIdMap object, writes to the map, and releases the lock immediately thereafter.

On the face of it, that's not much to write home about, and not an obvious improvement over the previous state of affairs. But the features at work invisible in the code above are as important as those that are visible:

  • Unlike before, the data and the mutex protecting it are inextricably encapsulated together.

  • Critical sections are readily visible and emphasize code that needs to do minimal work and be subject to extra scrutiny.

  • Dangerous nested SYNCHRONIZED statements are more visible than sequenced declarations of guards at the same level. (This is not foolproof because a method call issued inside a SYNCHRONIZED scope may open its own SYNCHRONIZED block.) A construct SYNCHRONIZED_DUAL, discussed later in this document, allows locking two objects quasi-simultaneously in the same order in all threads, thus avoiding deadlocks.

  • If you tried to use adsToBeUpdated_ outside the SYNCHRONIZED scope, you wouldn't be able to; it is virtually impossible to tease the map object without acquiring the correct lock. However, inside the SYNCHRONIZED scope, the same name serves as the actual underlying object of type OnDemandUpdateIdMap (which is a map of maps).

  • Outside SYNCHRONIZED, if you just want to call one method, you can do so by using adsToBeUpdated_ as a pointer like this:


This acquires the mutex, calls clear() against the underlying map object, and releases the mutex immediately thereafter.

Synchronized offers several other methods, which are described in detail below.

Template class Synchronized<T>


The default constructor default-initializes the data and its associated mutex.

The copy constructor locks the source for reading and copies its data into the target. (The target is not locked as an object under construction is only accessed by one thread.)

Finally, Synchronized<T> defines an explicit constructor that takes an object of type T and copies it. For example:

    // Default constructed
    Synchronized< map<string, int> > syncMap1;

    // Copy constructed
    Synchronized< map<string, int> > syncMap2(syncMap1);

    // Initializing from an existing map
    map<string, int> init;
    init["world"] = 42;
    Synchronized< map<string, int> > syncMap3(init);
    EXPECT_EQ(syncMap3->size(), 1);

Assignment, swap, and copying

The canonical assignment operator locks both objects involved and then copies the underlying data objects. The mutexes are not copied. The locks are acquired in increasing address order, so deadlock is avoided. For example, there is no problem if one thread assigns a = b and the other assigns b = a (other than that design probably deserving a Razzie award). Similarly, the swap method takes a reference to another Synchronized<T> object and swaps the data. Again, locks are acquired in a well- defined order. The mutexes are not swapped.

An additional assignment operator accepts a const T& on the right-hand side. The operator copies the datum inside a critical section.

An additional swap method accepts a T& and swaps the data inside a critical section. This is by far the preferred method of changing the guarded datum wholesale because it keeps the lock only for a short time, thus lowering the pressure on the mutex.

To get a copy of the guarded data, there are two methods available: void copy(T*) and T copy(). The first copies data to a provided target and the second returns a copy by value. Both operations are done under a read lock. Example:

    Synchronized< fbvector<fbstring> > syncVec1, syncVec2;
    fbvector<fbstring> vec;

    // Assign
    syncVec1 = syncVec2;
    // Assign straight from vector
    syncVec1 = vec;

    // Swap
    // Swap with vector

    // Copy to given target
    // Get a copy by value
    auto copy = syncVec1.copy();

LockedPtr operator->() and ConstLockedPtr operator->() const

We've already seen operator-> at work. Essentially calling a method obj->foo(x, y, z) calls the method foo(x, y, z) inside a critical section as long-lived as the call itself. For example:

    void fun(Synchronized< fbvector<fbstring> > & vec) {

The code above appends two elements to vec, but the elements won't appear necessarily one after another. This is because in between the two calls the mutex is released, and another thread may modify the vector. At the cost of anticipating a little, if you want to make sure you insert "world" right after "hello", you should do this:

    void fun(Synchronized< fbvector<fbstring> > & vec) {
      SYNCHRONIZED (vec) {

This brings us to a cautionary discussion. The way operator-> works is rather ingenious with creating an unnamed temporary that enforces locking and all, but it's not a panacea. Between two uses of operator->, other threads may change the synchronized object in arbitrary ways, so you shouldn't assume any sort of sequential consistency. For example, the innocent-looking code below may be patently wrong.

If another thread clears the vector in between the call to empty and the call to pop_back, this code ends up attempting to extract an element from an empty vector. Needless to say, iteration a la:

    // No. NO. NO!
    FOR_EACH_RANGE (i, vec->begin(), vec->end()) {

is a crime punishable by long debugging nights.

If the Synchronized<T> object involved is const-qualified, then you'll only be able to call const methods through operator->. So, for example, vec->push_back("xyz") won't work if vec were const-qualified. The locking mechanism capitalizes on the assumption that const methods don't modify their underlying data and only acquires a read lock (as opposed to a read and write lock), which is cheaper but works only if the immutability assumption holds. Note that this is strictly not the case because const-ness can always be undone via mutable members, casts, and surreptitious access to shared data. Our code is seldom guilty of such, and we also assume the STL uses no shenanigans. But be warned.



    void fun(Synchronized<fbvector<fbstring>> & vec) {
      if (vec->size() > 1000000) {
        LOG(WARNING) << "The blinkenlights are overloaded.";
      vec->push_back("another blinkenlight");

This code is correct (at least according to a trivial intent), but less efficient than it could otherwise be. This is because the call vec->size() acquires a full read-write lock, but only needs a read lock. We need to help the type system here by telling it "even though vec is a mutable object, consider it a constant for this call". This should be easy enough because conversion to const is trivial - just issue const_cast<const Synchronized<fbvector<fbstring>>&>(vec). Ouch. To make that operation simpler - a lot simpler - Synchronized<T> defines the method asConst(), which is a glorious one-liner. With asConst in tow, it's very easy to achieve what we wanted:

    void fun(Synchronized<fbvector<fbstring>> & vec) {
      if (vec.asConst()->size() > 1000000) {
        LOG(WARNING) << "The blinkenlights are overloaded.";
      vec->push_back("another blinkenlight");

QED (Quite Easy Done). This concludes the documentation for Synchronized<T>.


The SYNCHRONIZED macro introduces a pseudo-statement that adds a whole new level of usability to Synchronized<T>. As discussed, operator-> can only lock over the duration of a call, so it is insufficient for complex operations. With SYNCHRONIZED you get to lock the object in a scoped manner (not unlike Java's synchronized statement) and to directly access the object inside that scope.

SYNCHRONIZED has two forms. We've seen the first one a couple of times already:

    void fun(Synchronized<fbvector<int>> & vec) {
      SYNCHRONIZED (vec) {
        CHECK(vec.back() == 42);

The scope introduced by SYNCHRONIZED is a critical section guarded by vec's mutex. In addition to doing that, SYNCHRONIZED also does an interesting sleight of hand: it binds the name vec inside the scope to the underlying fbvector<int> object - as opposed to vec's normal type, which is Synchronized<fbvector<int>>. This fits very nice the "form follow function" - inside the critical section you have earned access to the actual data, and the name bindings reflect that as well. SYNCHRONIZED(xyz) essentially cracks xyz temporarily and gives you access to its innards.

Now, what if fun wants to take a pointer to Synchronized<fbvector<int>> - let's call it pvec? Generally, what if we want to synchronize on an expression as opposed to a symbolic variable? In that case SYNCHRONIZED(*pvec) would not work because "*pvec" is not a name. That's where the second form of SYNCHRONIZED kicks in:

    void fun(Synchronized<fbvector<int>> * pvec) {
      SYNCHRONIZED (vec, *pvec) {
        CHECK(vec.back() == 42);

Ha, so now we pass two arguments to SYNCHRONIZED. The first argument is the name bound to the data, and the second argument is the expression referring to the Synchronized<T> object. So all cases are covered.


Recall from the discussion about asConst() that we sometimes want to voluntarily restrict access to an otherwise mutable object. The SYNCHRONIZED_CONST pseudo-statement makes that intent easily realizable and visible to maintainers. For example:

    void fun(Synchronized<fbvector<int>> & vec) {
      fbvector<int> local;
        CHECK(vec.size() > 42);
        local = vec;
      SYNCHRONIZED (vec) {

Inside a SYNCHRONIZED_CONST(xyz) scope, xyz is bound to a const- qualified datum. The corresponding lock is a read lock.

SYNCHRONIZED_CONST also has a two-arguments version, just like SYNCHRONIZED. In fact, SYNCHRONIZED_CONST(a) simply expands to SYNCHRONIZED(a, a.asConst()) and SYNCHRONIZED_CONST(a, b) expands to SYNCHRONIZED(a, (b).asConst()). The type system and SYNCHRONIZED take care of the rest.


These pseudo-statements allow you to acquire the mutex with a timeout. Example:

    void fun(Synchronized<fbvector<int>> & vec) {
      TIMED_SYNCHRONIZED (10, vec) {
        if (vec) {
          CHECK(vec->back() == 42);
        } else {
            LOG(INFO) << "Dognabbit, I've been waiting over here for 10 milliseconds and couldn't get through!";

If the mutex acquisition was successful within a number of milliseconds dictated by its first argument, TIMED_SYNCHRONIZED binds its second argument to a pointer to the protected object. Otherwise, the pointer will be NULL. (Contrast that with SYNCHRONIZED), which always succeeds so it binds the protected object to a reference.) Inside the TIMED_SYNCHRONIZED statement you must, of course, make sure the pointer is not null to make sure the operation didn't time out.

TIMED_SYNCHRONIZED takes two or three parameters. The first is always the timeout, and the remaining one or two are just like the parameters of SYNCHRONIZED.

Issuing TIMED_SYNCHRONIZED with a zero timeout is an opportunistic attempt to acquire the mutex.


SYNCHRONIZED is a good mechanism for enforcing scoped synchronization, but it has the inherent limitation that it requires the critical section to be, well, scoped. Sometimes the code structure requires a fleeting "escape" from the iron fist of synchronization. Clearly, simple cases are handled with sequenced SYNCHRONIZED scopes:

    Synchronized<map<int, string>> dic;
    SYNCHRONIZED (dic) {
      if (dic.find(0) != dic.end()) {
    LOG(INFO) << "Key 0 not found, inserting it."
    SYNCHRONIZED (dic) {
      dic[0] = "zero";

For more complex, nested flow control, you may want to use the UNSYNCHRONIZED macro. It (only) works inside a SYNCHRONIZED pseudo-statement and temporarily unlocks the mutex:

    Synchronized<map<int, string>> dic;
    SYNCHRONIZED (dic) {
      auto i = dic.find(0);
      if (i != dic.end()) {
        UNSYNCHRONIZED (dic) {
          LOG(INFO) << "Key 0 not found, inserting it."
        dic[0] = "zero";
      } else {
        *i = "zero";
    LOG(INFO) << "Key 0 not found, inserting it."
    SYNCHRONIZED (dic) {
      dic[0] = "zero";

Clearly UNSYNCHRONIZED comes with specific caveats and liabilities. You must assume that during the UNSYNCHRONIZED section, other threads might have changed the protected structure in arbitrary ways. In the example above, you cannot use the iterator i and you cannot assume that the key 0 is not in the map; another thread might have inserted it while you were bragging on LOG(INFO).


Sometimes locking just one object won't be able to cut the mustard. Consider a function that needs to lock two Synchronized objects at the same time - for example, to copy some data from one to the other. At first sight, it looks like nested SYNCHRONIZED statements will work just fine:

    void fun(Synchronized<fbvector<int>> & a, Synchronized<fbvector<int>> & b) {
      SYNCHRONIZED (a) {
        SYNCHRONIZED (b) {
          ... use a and b ...

This code compiles and may even run most of the time, but embeds a deadly peril: if one threads call fun(x, y) and another thread calls fun(y, x), then the two threads are liable to deadlocking as each thread will be waiting for a lock the other is holding. This issue is a classic that applies regardless of the fact the objects involved have the same type.

This classic problem has a classic solution: all threads must acquire locks in the same order. The actual order is not important, just the fact that the order is the same in all threads. Many libraries simply acquire mutexes in increasing order of their address, which is what we'll do, too. The pseudo- statement SYNCHRONIZED_DUAL takes care of all details of proper locking of two objects and offering their innards:

    void fun(Synchronized<fbvector<int>> & a, Synchronized<fbvector<int>> & b) {
      SYNCHRONIZED_DUAL (myA, a, myB, b) {
        ... use myA and myB ...

To avoid potential confusions, SYNCHRONIZED_DUAL only defines a four-arguments version. The code above locks a and b in increasing order of their address and offers their data under the names myA and myB, respectively.

Synchronizing several data items with one mutex

The library is geared at protecting one object of a given type with a mutex. However, sometimes we'd like to protect two or more members with the same mutex. Consider for example a bidirectional map, i.e. a map that holds an int to string mapping and also the converse string to int mapping. The two maps would need to be manipulated simultaneously. There are at least two designs that come to mind.

Using a nested struct

You can easily pack the needed data items in a little struct. For example:

    class Server {
      struct BiMap {
        map<int, string> direct;
        map<string, int> inverse;
      Synchronized<BiMap> bimap_;
    SYNCHRONIZED (bymap_) {[0] = "zero";
      bymap_.inverse["zero"] = 0;

With this code in tow you get to use bimap_ just like any other Synchronized object, without much effort.

Using std::tuple

If you won't stop short of using a spaceship-era approach, std::tuple is there for you. The example above could be rewritten for the same functionality like this:

    class Server {
      Synchronized<tuple<map<int, string>, map<string, int>>> bimap_;
    SYNCHRONIZED (bymap_) {
      get<0>(bymap_)[0] = "zero";
      get<1>(bymap_)["zero"] = 0;

The code uses std::get with compile-time integers to access the fields in the tuple. The relative advantages and disadvantages of using a local struct vs. std::tuple are quite obvious - in the first case you need to invest in the definition, in the second case you need to put up with slightly more verbose and less clear access syntax.


Synchronized and its supporting tools offer you a simple, robust paradigm for mutual exclusion-based concurrency. Instead of manually pairing data with the mutexes that protect it and relying on convention to use them appropriately, you can benefit of encapsulation and typechecking to offload a large part of that task and to provide good guarantees.