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Implementation of blocking (IO-Bound) cancellable java.util.concurrent.CompletionStage and related extensions to java.util.concurrent.ExecutorService-s


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The library provides an implementation of the CompletionStage interface and related classes these are designed to support long-running blocking tasks (typically, I/O bound) - unlike Java 8 built-in implementation, CompletableFuture, that is primarily supports computational tasks.

Why a CompletableFuture is not enough?

There are several shortcomings associated with CompletableFuture implementation that complicate its usage for blocking tasks:

  1. CompletableFuture.cancel() method does not interrupt underlying thread; it merely puts future to exceptionally completed state. So if you use any blocking calls inside functions passed to thenApplyAsync / thenAcceptAsync / etc these functions will run till the end and never will be interrupted. Please see CompletableFuture can't be interrupted by Tomasz Nurkiewicz
  2. By default, all *Async composition methods use ForkJoinPool.commonPool() (see here) unless explicit Executor is specified. This thread pool shared between all CompletableFuture-s, all parallel streams and all applications deployed on the same JVM. This hard-coded, unconfigurable thread pool is completely outside of our control, hard to monitor and scale. Therefore you should always specify your own Executor.
  3. Additionally, built-in Java 8 concurrency classes provides pretty inconvenient API to combine several CompletionStage-s. CompletableFuture.allOf / CompletableFuture.anyOf methods accept only CompletableFuture as arguments; you have no mechanism to combine arbitrary CompletionStage-s without converting them to CompletableFuture first. Also, the return type of the aforementioned CompletableFuture.allOf is declared as CompletableFuture<Void> - hence you are unable to extract conveniently individual results of the each future supplied. CompletableFuture.anyOf is even worse in this regard; for more details please read on here: CompletableFuture in Action (see Shortcomings) by Tomasz Nurkiewicz

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What is inside?

1. Promise interface

The interface may be best described by the formula:

Promise == CompletionStage + Future

I.e., it combines both blocking Future’s API, including cancel(boolean mayInterruptIfRunning) method, AND composition capabilities of CompletionStage’s API. Importantly, all composition methods of CompletionStage API (thenAccept, thenCombine, whenComplete etc.) are re-declared to return Promise as well.

2. CompletableTask

This is why this project was ever started. CompletableTask is the implementation of the Promise API for long-running blocking tasks. There are 2 unit operations to create a CompletableTask:

a. CompletableTask.asyncOn(Executor executor)

Returns a resolved no-value Promise that is “bound” to the specified executor. I.e. any function passed to composition methods of Promise (like thenApplyAsync / thenAcceptAsync / whenCompleteAsync etc.) will be executed using this executor unless executor is overridden via explicit composition method parameter. Moreover, any nested composition calls will use same executor, if it’s not redefined via explicit composition method parameter:


All of myValueGenerator, myConsumer, myActtion will be executed using myExecutor.

b. CompletableTask.complete(T value, Executor executor)

Same as above, but the starting point is a resolved Promise with the specified value:

   .complete("Hello!", myExecutor)

All of myMapper, myTransformer, myConsumer, myActtion will be executed using myExecutor.

Additionally, you may submit Supplier / Runnable to the Executor right away, in a similar way as with CompletableFuture:

Promise<SomeValue> p1 = CompletableTask.supplyAsync(() -> {
  return blockingCalculationOfSomeValue();
}, myExecutor);

Promise<Void> p2 = CompletableTask.runAsync(this::someIoBoundMethod, myExecutor);

Most importantly, all composed promises support true cancellation (incl. interrupting thread) for the functions supplied as arguments:

Promise<?> p1 =
Promise<?> p2 = p1.thenRunAsync(myAction);

In the example above myConsumer will be interrupted if already in progress. Both p1 and p2 will be resolved faulty: p1 with a CancellationException and p2 with a CompletionException.

3. DependentPromise

As it mentioned above, once you cancel Promise, all Promise-s that depends on this promise are completed with CompletionException wrapping CancellationException. This is a standard behavior, and CompletableFuture works just like this.

However, when you cancel derived Promise, the original Promise is not cancelled:

Promise<?> original = CompletableTask.supplyAsync(() -> someIoBoundMethod(), myExecutor);
Promise<?> derived = original.thenRunAsync(() -> someMethod() );

So if you cancel derived above it's Runnable method, wrapping someMethod, is interrupted. However the original promise is not cancelled and someIoBoundMethod keeps running. This is not always a desired behavior, consider the following method:

public Promise<DataStructure> loadData(String url) {
   return CompletableTask.supplyAsync( () -> loadXml(url) ).thenApplyAsync( xml -> parseXml(xml) ); 

Promise<DataStructure> p = loadData("");
if (someCondition()) {
  // Only second promise is canceled, parseXml.

Clients of this method see only derrived promise, and once they decide to cancel it, it is expected that any of loadXml and parseXml will be interrupted if not completed yet. To address this issue the library provides DependentPromise class:

public Promise<DataStructure> loadData(String url) {
   return DependentPromise
          .from(CompletableTask.supplyAsync( () -> loadXml(url) ))
          .thenApplyAsync( xml -> parseXml(xml), true ); 

Promise<DataStructure> p = loadData("");
if (someCondition()) {
  // Now the whole chain is canceled.

DependentPromise overloads methods like thenApply / thenRun / thenAccept / thenCombine etc with additional argument:

  • if method accepts no other CompletionStage, like thenApply / thenRun / thenAccept etc, then it's a boolean flag enlistOrigin to specify whether or not the original Promise should be enlisted for the cancellation.
  • if method accepts other CompletionStage, like thenCombine / applyToEither / thenAcceptBoth etc, then it's a set of PromiseOrigin enum values, that specifies whether or not the original Promise and/or a CompletionStage supplied as argument should be enlisted for the cancellation along with the resulting promise, for example:
public Promise<DataStructure> loadData(String url) {
   return DependentPromise
          .from(CompletableTask.supplyAsync( () -> loadXml(url + "/source1") ))
              CompletableTask.supplyAsync( () -> loadXml(url + "/source2") ), 
              (xml1, xml2) -> Arrays.asList(xml1, xml2),
          )          .
          .thenApplyAsync( xmls -> parseXmlsList(xmls), true ); 

Please note, then in release 0.5.4 there is a new default method dependent in interface Promise that serves the same purpose and allows to write chained calls:

public Promise<DataStructure> loadData(String url) {
   return CompletableTask
          .supplyAsync( () -> loadXml(url) )
          .thenApplyAsync( xml -> parseXml(xml), true ); 

5. Timeouts

Any robust application requires certain level of functionality, that handle situations when things go wrong. An ability to cancel a hanged operation existed in the library from the day one, but, obviously, it is not enough. Cancellation per se defines "what" to do in face of the problem, but the responsibility "when" to do was left to an application code. Starting from release 0.5.4 the library fills the gap in this functionality with timeout-related stuff.

An application developer now have the following options to control execution time of the Promise (declared in Promise interface itself):

<T> Promise<T> orTimeout(long timeout, TimeUnit unit[, boolean cancelOnTimeout = true])
<T> Promise<T> orTimeout(Duration duration[, boolean cancelOnTimeout = true])

These methods creates a new Promise that is either resolved sucessfully/exceptionally when original promise is resolved within a timeout given; or it is resolved exceptionally with a TimeoutException when time expired. In any case, handling code is executed on the default asynchronous Executor of the original Promise.

Executor myExecutor = ...; // Get an executor
Promise<String> callPromise = CompletableTask
    .supplyAsync( () -> someLongRunningIoBoundMehtod(), executor )
    .orTimeout( Duration.ofSeconds(3000) );

In the example above callPromise will be resolved within 3 seconds either successfully/exceptionally as a result of the someLongRunningIoBoundMehtod execution, or exceptionally with a TimeoutException.

The optional cancelOnTimeout parameter defines whether or not to cancel the original Promise when time is expired; it is implicitly true when skipped. So in example above the someLongRunningIoBoundMehtod will be interrupted if it takes more than 3 seconds to complete.

This is a desired behavior in most cases but not always. The library provides an option to set several non-cancelling timeouts like in example below:

Executor myExecutor = ...; // Get an executor
Promise<String> resultPromise = CompletableTask
    .supplyAsync( () -> someLongRunningIoBoundMehtod(), executor );

// Show UI message to user to let him/her know that everything is under control
Promise<?> t1 = resultPromise
    .orTimeout( Duration.ofSeconds(2000) )
    .exceptionally( e -> {
      if (e instanceof TimeoutException) {
        UI.showMessage("Operation takes longer than expected, please wait...");
      return null;
    }, false); 

// Show UI confirmation to user to let him/her cancel operation explicitly
Promise<?> t2 = resultPromise
    .orTimeout( Duration.ofSeconds(5000) )
    .exceptionally( e -> {
      if (e instanceof TimeoutException) {
        UI.showConfirmation("Service does not responding. Do you whant to cancel (Y/N)?");
      return null;
    }, false); 

// Cancel in 10 seconds
resultPromise.orTimeout( Duration.ofSeconds(10), true );

Please note that the timeout is started from the call to the orTimeout method. Hence, if you have a chain of unresolved promises ending with the orTimeout call then the whole chain should be completed within time given:

Executor myExecutor = ...; // Get an executor
Promise<String> parallelPromise = CompletableTask
    .supplyAsync( () -> someLongRunningDbCall(), executor );
Promise<List<String>> resultPromise = CompletableTask
    .supplyAsync( () -> someLongRunningIoBoundMehtod(), executor )
    .thenApplyAsync( v -> converterMethod() )
    .thenCombineAsync(parallelPromise, (u, v) -> Arrays.asList(u, v))
    .orTimeout( Duration.ofSeconds(5) );

In the example above resultPromise will be resolved successfully if and only if all of someLongRunningIoBoundMehtod, converterMethod and even someLongRunningDbCall are completed within 5 seconds. Moreover, in the example above only the call to thenCombineAsync will be cancelled on timeout, to cancel the whole tree please use the functionality of the DependentPromise class:

Executor myExecutor = ...; // Get an executor
Promise<String> parallelPromise = CompletableTask
    .supplyAsync( () -> someLongRunningDbCall(), executor );
Promise<List<String>> resultPromise = CompletableTask
    .supplyAsync( () -> someLongRunningIoBoundMehtod(), executor )
    // enlist promise of someLongRunningIoBoundMehtod for cancellation
    .thenApplyAsync( v -> converterMethod(), true )  
    // enlist result of thenApplyAsync and parallelPromise for cancellation
    .thenCombineAsync(parallelPromise, (u, v) -> Arrays.asList(u, v), PromiseOrigin.ALL)
    .orTimeout( Duration.ofSeconds(5) ); // now timeout will cancel the whole chain

Another useful timeout-related methods declared in Promise interface are:

<T> Promise<T> onTimeout(T value, long timeout, TimeUnit unit[, boolean cancelOnTimeout = true])
<T> Promise<T> onTimeout(T value, Duration duration[, boolean cancelOnTimeout = true])
<T> Promise<T> onTimeout(Supplier<? extends T>, long timeout, TimeUnit unit[, boolean cancelOnTimeout = true])
<T> Promise<T> onTimeout(Supplier<? extends T>, Duration duration[, boolean cancelOnTimeout = true])

The onTimeout family of methods are similar in all regards to the orTimeout methods with the single obvious difference - instead of resolving resulting Promise exceptionally with the TimeoutException when time is expired, they are resolving it successfully with the value supplied (either directly or via Supplier):

Executor myExecutor = ...; // Get an executor
Promise<String> callPromise = CompletableTask
    .supplyAsync( () -> someLongRunningIoBoundMehtod(), executor )
    .onTimeout( "Timed-out!", Duration.ofSeconds(3000) );

The example shows, that callPromise will be resolved within 3 seconds either successfully/exceptionally as a result of the someLongRunningIoBoundMehtod execution, or with a default value "Timed-out!" when time exceeded.

Finally, the Promise interface provides an option to insert delays into the call chain:

<T> Promise<T> delay(long timeout, TimeUnit unit[, boolean delayOnError = true])
<T> Promise<T> delay(Duration duration[, boolean delayOnError = true])

The delay is started only after the original Promise is completed either successfully or exceptionally (unlike orTimeout / onTimeout methods where timeout is strated immediately). The resulting delay Promise is resolved after the timeout specified with the same result as the original Promise. Like with other timeout-related methods, delay is completed on the default asynchronous Executor of the original Promise. The latest methods' argument - delayOnError - specifies whether or not we should delay if original Promise is resolved exceptionally, by default this argument is true. If false, then delay Promise is completed immediately after the failed original Promise.

Executor myExecutor = ...; // Get an executor
Promise<String> callPromise1 = CompletableTask
    .supplyAsync( () -> someLongRunningIoBoundMehtod(), executor )
    .delay( Duration.ofSeconds(1000) ) // Give a second for CPU to calm down :)
    .thenApply(v -> convertValue(v));
Promise<String> callPromise2 = CompletableTask
    .supplyAsync( () -> aletrnativeLongRunningIoBoundMehtod(), executor )
    .delay( Duration.ofSeconds(1000), false ) // Give a second for CPU to calm down ONLY on success :)
    .thenApply(v -> convertValue(v));

You may notice, that delay may be introduced only in the middle of the chain, but what to do if you'd like to back-off the whole chain execution? Just start with a resolved promise!

// Option 1
// Interruptible tasks chain on the executor supplied
    .delay( Duration.ofSeconds(5) )
    .thenApplyAsync(ignore -> produceValue());

// Option2
// Computational tasks on ForkJoinPool.commonPool()
    .delay( Duration.ofSeconds(5) )
    .thenApplyAsync(ignore -> produceValue());

As long as back-off execution is not a very rare case, the library provides the following convinient methods in the CompletableTask class:

static Promise<Duration> delay(long timeout, TimeUnit unit, Executor executor);
static Promise<Duration> delay(Duration duration, Executor executor);

5. Polling and asynchronous retry functionality

Provided by utility class Promises but stands on its own

static Promise<Void> poll(Runnable codeBlock, 
                          Executor executor, RetryPolicy retryPolicy)
static <T> Promise<T> poll(Callable<? extends T> codeBlock, 
                           Executor executor, RetryPolicy retryPolicy)
static <T> Promise<T> pollOptional(Callable<Optional<? extends T>> codeBlock, 
                                   Executor executor, RetryPolicy retryPolicy)


6. Utility class Promises

The class provides convenient methods to combine several CompletionStage-s:

static <T> Promise<List<T>> all([boolean cancelRemaining=true,] CompletionStage<? extends T>... promises)

Returns a promise that is completed normally when all CompletionStage-s passed as parameters are completed normally; if any promise completed exceptionally, then resulting promise is completed exceptionally as well

static <T> Promise<T> any([boolean cancelRemaining=true,] CompletionStage<? extends T>... promises)

Returns a promise that is completed normally when any CompletionStage passed as parameters is completed normally (race is possible); if all promises completed exceptionally, then resulting promise is completed exceptionally as well

static <T> Promise<T> anyStrict([boolean cancelRemaining=true,] CompletionStage<? extends T>... promises)

Returns a promise that is completed normally when any CompletionStage passed as parameters is completed normally (race is possible); if any promise completed exceptionally before first result is available, then resulting promise is completed exceptionally as well (unlike non-Strict variant, where exceptions are ignored if result is available at all)

static <T> Promise<List<T>> atLeast(int minResultsCount, [boolean cancelRemaining=true,] 
                                    CompletionStage<? extends T>... promises)

Generalization of the any method. Returns a promise that is completed normally when at least minResultCount of CompletionStage-s passed as parameters are completed normally (race is possible); if less than minResultCount of promises completed normally, then resulting promise is completed exceptionally

static <T> Promise<List<T>> atLeastStrict(int minResultsCount, [boolean cancelRemaining=true,] 
                                          CompletionStage<? extends T>... promises)

Generalization of the anyStrict method. Returns a promise that is completed normally when at least minResultCount of CompletionStage-s passed as parameters are completed normally (race is possible); if any promise completed exceptionally before minResultCount of results are available, then resulting promise is completed exceptionally as well (unlike non-Strict variant, where exceptions are ignored if minResultsCount of results are available at all)

Please note that since library's version 0.5.3 it is possible to define explicitly whether or not to eagerly cancel remaining promises once the result of the invocation is known. The option is controlled by the parameter cancelRemaining. When ommitted, it means implicitly cancelRemaining = true.

The version 0.5.4 of the library adds additional overloads to aforementioned methods - now it's possible to supply a list of Promise-s instead of the latest varagr parameter.

Additionally, it's possible to convert to Promise API ready value:

static <T> Promise<T> success(T value)


static <T> Promise<T> failure(Throwable exception)

...or arbitrary CompletionStage implementation:

static <T> Promise<T> from(CompletionStage<T> stage)

7. Extensions to ExecutorService API

It’s not mandatory to use any specific subclasses of Executor with CompletableTask – you may use any implementation. However, someone may find beneficial to have a Promise-aware ExecutorService API. Below is a list of related classes/interfaces:

a. Interface TaskExecutorService

Specialization of ExecutorService that uses Promise as a result of submit(...) methods.

b. Class ThreadPoolTaskExecutor A subclass of the standard ThreadPoolExecutor that implements TaskExecutorService interface.

c. Class TaskExecutors

A drop-in replacement for Executors utility class that returns various useful implementations of TaskExecutorService instead of the standard ExecutorService.


Internal implementation details are greatly inspired by the work done by Lukáš Křečan. The part of the polling / asynchronous retry functionality is adopted from the async-retry library by Tomasz Nurkiewicz


Implementation of blocking (IO-Bound) cancellable java.util.concurrent.CompletionStage and related extensions to java.util.concurrent.ExecutorService-s







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