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A minimalist zsh prompt inspired by geometry.


  • powered by gitstatus
  • uses nerd font icons
  • flexible api for easy extension & customization
  • information dense prompts through careful use of colors & icons


For icon support, install one of the Nerd Fonts. You could also just customize the icons if you prefer something friendlier to your font.

Manually install by cloning this repo with its submodules and sourcing the plugin:

$ git clone --recurse-submodules
$ source euclid/euclid.zsh

You could also use your plugin manager of choice.


  • 🎨 Settings

    How to configure Euclid's default prompts and builtin elements

  • 🏛 Architecture

    The overall design of Euclid, in case you want to customize it even further


The screenshots below were made using an iTerm2 window with the builtin Tango Dark color presets. The main font is Menlo, while the icons use the SauceCodePro Nerd Font.

Example showing the different states of the left prompt. Example showing the different states of the git ref in the right prompt. Example showing the different states of git tracking in the right prompt. Example showing the different states of the git index in the right prompt. Example showing the different states of the git stash in the right prompt.