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Stack Salaries - An app for software engineers to post anonymous salary info based on their stack and location with optional filters based on criteria such as educational background, age, years of experience.



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Stack Salaries

Team Onix: Minh, Nahee, AJ

An app for software engineers to post anonymous salary info based on their stack and location with optional filters based on criteria such as educational background, age, years of experience.

Back end

The back-end currently uses Express/MongoDB/Mongoose. As part of the current webpack config file, the server is compiled every time you run npm start

│   secret    - This contains the secret token for passport authentication
│   server-c  - The compiled version of the server
│   server    - The server file
└─── controllers
    │   stackdataController  - Holds all the helper methods needed to query the database for stack entries
└─── models
    │   stackdata   - The stack entry model
    │   user        - The user model
└─── passport
    │   github      - Github authentication strategy (you can utilize and include on the frontend)
    │   local       - This authentication strategy verifies the email and password upon login
    │   passport    - This authentication strategy verifies a valid JWT token was sent in
                      the header for protected areas
└─── public
    │               Contains old HTML files, feel free to ignore


The front-end utilizes Redux/React. As part of the current webpack config, the client/src file is compiled every time you run npm start. Helpful hint: If you don't want to wait that long, run npm run quick, this only compiles the client side.

│   secret    - This contains the secret token for passport authentication
│   server-c  - The compiled version of the server
│   server    - The server file
└─── compiled
    │   stackdataController  -
└─── src
    ├─── actions
    │   │    actionCreator
    │   │
    │   ├─── auth
    │   │     auth.js  - This file contains helper methods for client side authentication
    │   │
    │   ├─── components
    │   │     All components in this folder are dumb components aka they don't use redux directly
    │   │
    │   ├─── containers
    │   │     Containers are smart containers that have direct access to the redux store using
    │   │     actions
    │   │
    │   ├─── reducers
    │   │     All reducers here deal with search and user info
    │   ├─── utils
    │   │     flash   - This helper class displays flash message. Feel free to replace with module
    │   │
    ├─── index.html
    ├─── index.js
    ├─── router.js    - Routing is done on the client side and server side using React Router

Feature To Do List

  • Activate oauth on the client side (server side strategy already in place)
  • Upload user profile photos
  • Enhance form validation for 'Add a Salary'
  • Enhance the advanced search
  • Display user's previous positions and salaries on the dashboard
  • Display a keyword cloud on the main page based on popular searches


Stack Salaries - An app for software engineers to post anonymous salary info based on their stack and location with optional filters based on criteria such as educational background, age, years of experience.






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  • JavaScript 99.9%
  • Other 0.1%