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Repository files navigation

Exam #1: "Piano degli studi"

Student: s298877 CIRONE SALVATORE

React Client Application Routes

  • Route /: Home Page with all the courses and the study plan. When the user is not logged in, shows the courses only with their description. When a user logged enters the page they will see a richer interface with their study plan and the buttons to create / delete / update it
  • Route /login/: Login Page with its form. Simply allows the user to login to unlock study plan functionalities..

API Server

Overall Folder Structure.

The API has been structured differently, so it will be briefly described here.

./src/routes: Contains the routes of every different section of the api (i.e. course, session, study-plan)
./src/services: Here will be found the services the operates with the Database and builds responses objects
./src/validations: This folder holds the express-validator expressions for every section, to keep a clean interface in the routes file.
./src/middleware: Groups all the CUSTOM middlewares to be used inside the API.
./src/libs: Contains a thin wrapper to the database library.


  • POST /api/session/

    • Body:
      • user: Username and Password to login with
    • Responses:
      • 200: User informations (name + username)
      • 401: Wrong or missing credentials
      • 422: Invalid Username format
  • GET /api/session/current

    • Responses:
      • 200: User informations (name + username)
      • 401: User not authenticated
  • DELETE /api/session/current

    • Responses:
      • 200: OK (logout if any session was present)


  • GET /api/courses/

    • Responses:
      • 200: All Courses informations
      • 500: Internal Error
  • GET /api/courses/:code/

    • Path Parameters
      • code: Course code
    • Responses:
      • 200: incompatible and preparatory courses relative to the course with :code
      • 422: Invalid code passed
      • 404: No course found with code :code
      • 500: Internal Error
  • GET /api/courses/:code/details

    • Path Parameters
      • code: Course code
    • Responses:
      • 200: incompatible and preparatory courses relative to the course with :code
      • 422: Invalid code passed
      • 404: No course found with code :code
      • 500: Internal Error
  • POST /api/courses/incompatibles

    • Body:
      • courses: A list of courses to compute the incompatibilities with
    • Responses:
      • 200: List of incompatible courses
      • 500: Internal Error


  • GET /api/study-plan/

    • Responses:
      • 200: The study plan associated with the authenticated user
      • 401: User not authenticated
      • 404: No study plan associated with authenticated user
      • 500: Internal Error
  • POST /api/study-plan/

    • Body:
      • studentType: part-time or full-time specification for study plan to create.
      • courses: list of courses to save to the study plan
    • Responses:
      • 200: The newly created study plan
      • 422: Validation error on studentType
      • 401: User not authenticated
      • 500: Internal Error
  • PUT /api/study-plan/

    • Body:
      • courses: the updated courses in the study plan
    • Responses:
      • 200: Ok, study plan saved.
      • 422: Missing courses object in body
      • 401: User not authenticated
      • 500: Internal Error
  • DELETE /api/study-plan/

    • Responses:
      • 200: Study plan correctly destroyed if any.
      • 401: User not authenticated
      • 500: Internal Error

Database Tables

  • Table user - contains: username, password, salt, name, studentType
  • Table courses - contains: code, name, credits, students, maxStudents, preparatoryCourseCode
  • Table incompatible - contains: courseCode, courseCodeWith
  • Table studyPlan - contains: courseCode, username

Main React Components

  • Header: The header of the whole app with the Login/Logout button
  • CourseList: Represents the courses list
  • CourseEntry: Represents a single entry inside the courses list. During edits it validates that the course may be added and, if negative, shows the reason why on mouse hovering.
  • CourseEntryDescription: Description panel paired with a CourseEntry. Shows the preparatory course and incompatibles, if any.
  • LoginForm: Contains the form for logging in a registered user
  • ErrorBanner: Manages errors that needs to be displayed to the user.

(only main components, minor ones may be skipped)



Users Credentials

  • testuser, password, Francesca, NULL (no study plan)
  • scirone , password, Salvatore, part-time
  • mrossi, test, Mario, full-time
  • jdoe, test, John, part-time
  • abianchi, test, Alessia, part-time