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Image Manipulator


Aryan Kale - Khoury College Of Computer Science, Northeastern University

Anshul Shirude - Khoury College of Computer Science & College of Science, Northeastern University


Image Manipulator is a Java image processing application with text-based, GUI, and command line functionality. It currently contains 10+ features including: uploading an image, saving an image to a device, flipping (vertical and horizontal), brightening/dimming, greyscaling, blurring, sharpening, applying a sepia filter, and downsizing an image. The application currently allows users to load or save an image in the formats .jpg, jpng, .ppm, and .bmp. When using the GUI, a histogram also displays the frequencies of each value (between 0-255) for the red, green, and blue values of each pixel. All functionality has been properly tested with JUnit.

Final Product

The GUI is shown below.


How to Run the Program with the Text-Based Functionality

Instructions on how to perform image manipulations on the family.ppm file located in the res/ folder.

In order to run this script using our program, one can run the main method within the ImageProcessingProgram class and enter the scripts in the console. All commands should be entered on a new line. One example of loading and saving the family image from a ppm to a ppm, png, jpg, and bmp is displayed below. The same rules apply if you want to load from a different format and save in a different format.

The lines above the scripts represent explanations of what the scripts themselves do.

####load family.ppm and call it 'family'
load res/family/family.ppm family

####brighten family by adding 10 to the components of the pixels (must be value greater than 0 to brighten)
brighten 10 family family-brighter

####darken family by subtracting 10 to the components of the pixels (must be value greater than 0 to darken)
darken 10 family family-darker

####flip family vertically
vertical-flip family family-vertical

####lip family horizontally
horizontal-flip family family-horizontal

####flip the vertically-flipped family horizontally
horizontal-flip family-vertical family-vertical-horizontal

####create a greyscale using only the red component, as an image family-red-greyscale
red-component family family-red-greyscale

####create a greyscale using only the green component, as an image family-green-greyscale
green-component family family-green-greyscale

####create a greyscale using only the blue component, as an image family-blue-greyscale
blue-component family family-blue-greyscale

####create a greyscale using only the value component, as an image family-value-greyscale
value-component family family-value-greyscale

####create a greyscale using only the intensity component, as an image family-intensity-greyscale
intensity-component family family-intensity-greyscale

####create a greyscale using only the luma component, as an image family-luma-greyscale
luma-component family family-luma-greyscale

####blur the image of the family
blur family family-blurred

####sharpening the image of the family
sharpen family family-sharpened

####applying a greyscale to the image of the family
greyscale family family-greyscale

####applying a sepia tone to the image of the family
sepia family family-sepia

####save family-brighter in the ppm format in the res/family/ directory
save res/family/family-brighter.ppm family-brighter

####save family-brighter in the png format
save family-brighter.png family-brighter

####save family-brighter in the jpg format
save family-brighter.jpg family-brighter

####save family-brighter in the bmp format
save family-brighter.bmp family-brighter

####save family-value-greyscale
save res/family/family-gs.ppm family-value-greyscale

####save the family blurred image
save family-blurred.ppm family-blurred

####save the family sharpened image
save family-sharpened.ppm family-sharpened

####save the family with the greyscale image color transformation
save family-greyscale.ppm family-greyscale

####save the family with the sepia image color transformation
save family-sepia.ppm family-sepia

####overwrite family in the model with another file
load res/Square.ppm family

####q to quit the program


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