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Add an argument validation function example
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Abathargh committed Apr 17, 2021
1 parent 8b95a65 commit 05bc309
Showing 1 changed file with 75 additions and 0 deletions.
75 changes: 75 additions & 0 deletions examples/validation/validation.go
@@ -0,0 +1,75 @@
// Validation functions always get a string slice as input and an error as the return type
// the string slice represents the 1+ instances of data passed to the argument
// the error represents what is returned in case the validation finds an error
// it must be nil if everything is ok
package main

import (

// An example that splits one or more strings based on the passed separator and returns the first n entries
func main() {
// we create a new parser
parser := argparse.NewParser("split", "split one or more strings using a separator")

// we expect a list of strings passed as an input
inputStrings := parser.StringList("i", "input", &argparse.Options{
Required: true,
Help: "input strings to split",

// each string is split based on a separator argument, that has to be one character long
// in this case only one input is passed, and it can be accessed via args[0]
// we then check that the separator string is only made of one character
separator := parser.String("s", "separator", &argparse.Options{
Required: true,
Validate: func(args []string) error {
if len(args[0]) != 1 {
return errors.New("a separator can only have one character in it")
return nil
Help: "a one character separator, used to parse the string",

// we create a limit argument, that must be positive
// data passed to a list argument can be accessed by iterating over the args slice
// be careful: if you specify a validation function and you catch a bad input that
// generates an error inside of it, the default error check will not be executed
limits := parser.IntList("l", "limit", &argparse.Options{
Required: false,
Validate: func(args []string) error {
for _, limit := range args {
if n, err := strconv.ParseInt(limit, 10, 64); err != nil || n < 0 {
return errors.New("limit must be a positive integer")
return nil
Help: "a list of limits of tokens to return per input",
Default: nil,

if err := parser.Parse(os.Args); err != nil {

// We split every input string according to its limit, if passed and print the result
var actualLimit int
for idx, inputString := range *inputStrings {
if idx >= len(*limits) {
// if no limit is specified, we return every substring
actualLimit = -1
} else {
actualLimit = (*limits)[idx]
fmt.Printf("string(%s) => %v\n", inputString, strings.SplitN(inputString, *separator, actualLimit))

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