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React dom elements extensively used while creating components.

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React dom elements extensively used while creating components.

To install using npm or yarn

npm install react-menthol --save;
yarn add react-menthol;


import { Error, Loading, Maintenance, NoData, Tooltip, Legend } from 'react-menthol';
import 'react-menthol/menthol.css';



This component is used to show/hide a clean representation for error msg.

import { Error } from 'react-menthol' ;  
import 'react-menthol/menthol.css';

            error="Pass the error over here"
      document.getElementById( 'app' ) 

Params passed

@param dataType explaination defaultValue Required
error string pass the error msg false yes
You can pass classes also as a prop
className Prop className used
classNameErrorWrapper "consume"
className "consume"
classNameOctagon "shape-octagon"
classNameErrorMsg "error-msg"
classNameError "error-label"
classNameShape "error-shape"
classNameClose "error-close"


This generic component is used for displaying loading icon on the doms when needed. It has two features to either use a existing set of svg elements or use a image to show loading.

import { Loading } from 'react-menthol' ;  
import 'react-menthol/menthol.css';

                loadSvg= false
      document.getElementById( 'app' ) 

Params passed

@param dataType explaination defaultValue Required
loadSvg boolean load predefined svg images false optional
svgType string choose from existing svgs balls,bars,bubbles,cubes,spin,spinningBubbles,spokes "balls" true, when loadSvg is true
loadingImg path path to the images optional, used when loadSvg is false
alt string when image is not available img not found optional
width string width of image '90px' optional
height string height of image '90px' optional
marginLeft string margin-left '35%' optional
marginTop string margin-top '5%' optional
styles style Object additional styles {} optional
classNameWrapper string 'consume' optional
classNameImg string '' optional


This Component is used when its parent is still under development/not available at the moment

import { Maintenance } from 'react-menthol' ;  
import 'react-menthol/menthol.css';

            heading= `We'll be back soon!`
            paragraph= `Sorry for the inconvinence,but we're performing some maintenance at the moment`
      document.getElementById( 'app' ) 

Params passed

@param dataType explaination defaultValue Required
src path path of image '../public/images/underProgress.gif' optional
alt string msg when img not found 'img not found' optional
width string '100px' optional
height string '75px' optional
heading string heading "We'll be back soon!" optional
paragraph string string "Sorry for the inconvinence,but we're performing some maintenance at the moment" optional
classNameWrapper string 'consume' optional
classNameImg string '' optional


This generic component is used in the components to show beautifully when the data is empty.

import { NoData } from 'react-menthol' ;  
import 'react-menthol/menthol.css';

            heading= `No Matching items found!`,
            paragraph= `check the settings or refresh `,
      document.getElementById( 'app' ) 

Params passed

@param dataType explaination defaultValue Required
heading string heading "No Matching items found!" optional
paragraph string string "check the settings or refresh " optional
classNameWrapper string 'chtr-No-data-wrapper'
classNameHeading string "noData-heading"
classNameIconDiv string noData-iconDiv"
classNameParagraph string "noData-paragraph"


This is a generic component for tooltip, which accepts

  • array of objects with keys as key, alias and color
  • dataObj which contains actual data The data passed is looped and check if the key is present in dataObj then it will display.
  • An additional prop of heading can also be added to show the heading of tooltip
  • Tooltip data can also be array of strings representing the key names from dataObj that needs to be displayed.

Note This is just a generic comp, user needs to position this tooltip accordingly to its usage

import { Tooltip } from 'react-menthol' ;  
import 'react-menthol/menthol.css';

		    data = [ {key : x, alias:"Xvalue", color:"black"},{key : y, alias:"Yvalue", color:"black"}]
		    dataObj= { x: 1, y:2 ,z: 4 }
		    heading= "",
      document.getElementById( 'app' ) 

Params passed

@param dataType explaination defaultValue Required
data array array of objects with keys key,alias, color [] yes
dataObj object actual data object containing information {} yes
heading string heading of tooltip "" optional
regexForReplaceParamInHeading: regexexp any params in heading is replaced with its value from dataObj "/${(.*?)}/g" optional
classNameWrapper "consume"
classNameTooltip "menthol-tooltip"
classNameTooltipHeading "menthol-tooltip-heading"


  • Generic component used to show the legend in horizontal or vertical format
  • Data contains objects with keys as key, color, active
  • Each key will be displayed and a color box is shown below it
  • active prop is used to toggle legend , and can be accessed through onClick function and maintain whether its active or not
import { Legend } from 'react-menthol' ;  
import 'react-menthol/menthol.css';

                layout= "horizontal"
			    data = [{ key: "Example1", color:"#FFFFFF", active: true },
                { key: "Example2", color:"#000000", active: true }]
		        onClick = {this.handleClick}
      document.getElementById( 'app' ) 

Params passed

@param dataType explaination defaultValue Required
layout string Accepts any one of "horizontal" or "vertical" "horizontal" optional
data array Array of objects with keys key, color, active [] yes
onClick function pass click information optional
classNameWrapper "consume"
classNameLegendWrapper "legend-wrapper"
classNameLegendList "legend-list"
classNameLegendTick "legend-tick"
classNameLegendName "legend-name"

For local development/demo

For building

npm run build

For Demo

npm run demo

go to file system and locate the react-menthol/demo/index.html

Icons used from react-icons


React dom elements extensively used while creating components.






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