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This project is for University courses at the University of Lorraine in Nancy.

It covers all NestJS concepts to build a Rest API with a MongoDB database in 21 steps.

To follow it, go to documents folder and read:

This course is only in French and if you want to contribute and translate it, you're welcome :)


 _   _             _      ___  _____  _____  _     _____
| \ | |           | |    |_  |/  ___|/  __ \| |   |_   _|
|  \| |  ___  ___ | |_     | |\ `--. | /  \/| |     | |
| . ` | / _ \/ __|| __|    | | `--. \| |    | |     | |
| |\  ||  __/\__ \| |_ /\__/ //\__/ /| \__/\| |_____| |_
\_| \_/ \___||___/ \__|\____/ \____/  \____/\_____/\___/

[System Information]
NodeJS Version : v17.0.1
YARN Version   : 1.22.17 

[Nest CLI]
Nest CLI Version : 8.1.4 

[Nest Platform Information]
platform-fastify version : 8.2.1
schematics version       : 8.0.5
mongoose version         : 9.0.1
swagger version          : 5.1.4
testing version          : 8.2.1
common version           : 8.2.1
core version             : 8.2.1
cli version              : 8.1.4