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Akansha Jain edited this page Feb 16, 2018 · 2 revisions

Welcome to the Basic_Guide_to_NLP wiki! Table of Contents

  1. Introduction to NLP
  2. Text Preprocessing
    • Noise Removal
    • Lexicon Normalization
      • Lemmatization
      • Stemming
    • Object Standardization
  3. Text to Features (Feature Engineering on text data)
    • Syntactical Parsing
      • Dependency Grammar
      • Part of Speech Tagging
    • Entity Parsing
      • Phrase Detection
      • Named Entity Recognition
      • Topic Modelling
      • N-Grams
    • Statistical features
      • TF – IDF
      • Frequency / Density Features
      • Readability Features
    • Word Embeddings
  4. Important tasks of NLP
    • Text Classification
    • Text Matching
      • Levenshtein Distance
      • Phonetic Matching
      • Flexible String Matching
    • Coreference Resolution
    • Other Problems
  5. Important NLP libraries

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