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Application Outlines

mushon edited this page Mar 1, 2012 · 5 revisions

Filter/Search box

Filtering will be done via a unified search (/filter) box. It will filter both categories, sub-categories, tags, titles and free text.

Categories & Tags

The search box, prominently positioned in the page will auto-complete tags and categories (chapters). Each will have its own look (emphasizing they are defined as such in the system).


A sort by drop-down menu would also be available. With the options:

  • Sort by next milestone
  • Sort by lateness
  • Sort by completeness
  • Sort by cost
  • Sort by most commented
  • Sort by most viewed
  • Sort by chapters


Some pre-filtered links would appear as pill navigation:

  • Reported as done
  • Disputed
  • Commended - when the gov completed a milestone ahead of time and that milestone was indeed approved by monitoring bodies. Or when monitoring bodies commend the gov't for its positive actions.

Advanced Search

Advanced search would allow to choose specific chapters and some other fine tuned filters.


When the page is scrolled the search box would stick to the top bar, and keep in reach of the user's control.

Data Specs

Titles should be trimmed down

A title like: "יישום מלא של חוק חינוך חובה (חינם) מגיל 3 - שלב א מיידי (ינואר 2012) סבסוד מלא של 220,000 הילדים שבמערך הגנים הציבוריים; שלב ב' עד שנת תשע"ה - בינוי 80000 מקומות חדשים לשאר הילדים בשכבת הגיל וסבסוד מלא של עלות הגנים."
Should be trimmed to: "יישום מלא של חוק חינוך חובה (חינם) מגיל 3"
*A "long-title" should be available for the extended view (think popular names)

Numeral Costs should be standardized

A cost line like:
"תוספת של 700 מלש"ח על פני 5 שנים (מתוכם 300 מלש"ח בשנה הראשונה) שתיועד אך ורק למעונות חדשים שנכנסים למערך המפוקח במחיר ולא להתאמת מעונות קיימים"
Should also have a short numeral form like:

Due dates should be standardized

Every recommendation should have its own timeline marking all the upcoming milestones in dates and mention exactly what should be achieved in each milestone (the outcome). A line like: "אחת ל- 6 חודשים" should mark exact dates and mention "דו"ח ביקורת של שר החינוך מפורסם באתר המשרד" or something like that.


It is worth adding free formed tag taxonomy to the recommendations to help sort them and interconnect issues across different chapters (categories)

Reporting & Monitoring


The gov't would be able to submit reports on any of the recommendations and also tie them to specific milestones marking whether the update completes the milestone or not. The report can mark the date of the change so there are 3 different relevant dates:

  • milestone date - when is it supposed to happen?
  • action date - when did it happen?
  • update date - when was it reported?


Monitoring orgs would be able to follow a specific gov't update and mark whether they confirm the gov't report or whether they have any reservations on it. The monitoring would be conducted on a milestone by milestone basis. The monitoring org can post updates on a milestone even if the gov't has yet not updated its status. (for notes like "this is currently stuck in a committee and the voting is postponed due to coalition agreements")

Multiple orgs could be presented on each milestone. It might even make sense to have different orgs monitor different parts of the report. Either way there should be a protocol for registering a monitoring organization and we should really think this through, making sure the input is fair and balanced (as much as possible).


The gov't can respond to the monitoring orgs updates and all of the updates at large will be aggregated into a threaded list (not unlike a comment thread). We should think whether user comments should blend with the milestones thread or whether they should be separated (probably) to their own thing. Maybe we can consider an integrated view.


The milestones/reports would be displayed on a timeline interface. We can also think of an integrated timeline showing some or all milestones and reports.