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Entropy is a platform that offers users trade suggestions generated by AI models. These AI models can be provided by us, and general users can also upload their trained models, which will be visible to others. Users can then subscribe to the models and run inferences for a particular token to learn the predicted values and suggested trade positions in order to maximize their financial gains based on market conditions.

Upon running an inference, the user will also receive a cryptographic proof of the inference that they can independently verify on their machines. This feature is essential to instil confidence in users who are utilizing the models, ensuring that the subscription fee is being effectively utilized and that they are not falling victim to scams

    participant U as User
    participant E as Entropy Platform
    participant M as AI Model
    participant P as Proof Generator

    U->>E: Sign in
    E-->>U: Authentication confirmation

    alt Upload Model
        U->>E: Upload trained AI model
        E->>E: Store and make model visible to others

    U->>E: Subscribe to an AI model
    U->>E: Request inference for a specific token
    E->>M: Run inference
    M->>P: Generate cryptographic proof during inference
    M-->>E: Return predicted values and trade positions
    P-->>E: Return cryptographic proof
    E->>U: Provide inference results and cryptographic proof
    U->>U: Verify proof independently

    alt Rate Model
        U->>E: Upvote or downvote model based on performance
        E->>E: Update model rating
