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A personal blogging website created to share my thoughts and experiences on software technologies and open source tools.

Technologies used

  1. Static website builder: Hugo
  2. Theme: PaperMod

First time setup

  1. Clone the repository
  2. Run pre-commit install -f to install the pre-commit hooks in the repository
  3. Install hugo using the command: brew install hugo
  4. Install the theme submodule using the command: git submodule update --init --recursive --remote
  5. Install pre-commit extension in your text editor to maintain consistency in formatting. To install, run: brew install pre-commit and then pre-commit-install to update the pre-commit hook in your local repository

Create a new content page

To create a new content page run the command

hugo new content content/blog/<your-page-name>.md

Publish content

To publish the content you will have to

  1. Set the draft key to false in the content page
  2. Push the changes using git push command

Frequently used commands

  1. Run pre-commit autoupdate to fetch and install the latest version of the pre-commit hooks
  2. To generate a blog page, run hugo new content blog/<page-name>.md
  3. To run the server with draft views enabled, run hugo server -D
  4. To run the server hugo server


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