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Nicholas K. Dionysopoulos edited this page Apr 8, 2015 · 18 revisions

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This wiki documents the current version of FOF 3.x. If you want to read the documentation of FOF 2.x please refer to our old documentation. If you're migrating from FOF 2.x please read the FOF 3 design goals page.

Quick start

Begin by reading the FOF 3 design goals page to have a general idea of what's going on. Then go to the Getting started with a FOF component page.

If you're looking for a real world component utilising FOF 3's power to its full extent take a look at Akeeba Subscriptions.

What is FOF

FOF is a Rapid Application Development framework for Joomla!. Unlike other frameworks it is not standalone. It is meant to run inside Joomla! itself or a Joomla! Framework powered application. It sidesteps Joomla!'s implementation of MVC, offering its own. If you already know how to build Joomla! components you can quickly get started with FOF.

FOF is compatible with the database technologies used by Joomla! itself: MySQL, SQL Server (and Windows Azure SQL) and PostgreSQL. In most cases you can write a component in one database server technology and have it run on the other database server technologies with minimal or no effort.

FOF is currently used by free and commercial components for Joomla! by an increasing number of developers.

How do I get started?

Use the sidebar to navigate among the different sections of this documentation wiki.

Free software means collaboration

The reason for the existence of FOSS (Free and Open Source Software) is collaboration between developers. FOF is no exception; it exists because of and for the community of Joomla! developers. It is provided free of charge and with all of the freedoms of the GPL for you to benefit. And in true Free Software spirit, the community aspect is very strong. Participating is easy and fun.

If you want to discuss FOF there is a Google Groups mailing list. This is a peer discussion group where developers working with FOF can freely discuss.

If you have a feature proposal or have found a bug, but you're not sure how to code it yourself, please report it on the list.

If you have a patch feel free to fork this project on GitHub (you only need a free account to do that) and send a pull request. Please remember to describe what you intended to achieve to help us review your code faster.

If you've found a problem in the documentation or want to contribute an addition feel free to fork its repository and make a pull request with your changes.

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