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High performance software for numerical simulation of ultrawideband radar and telecommunication systems.


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- WARNING: The project is in the public beta state!
- Some of unit tests fail and there are a lot of uncovered features
- Compilation warnings and "not implemented" exaptions are presented
- The first ready to use release is planning for
- December 31, 2020

Maxwell is a library for high performance numerical simulation of ultra-wideband radar and telecommunication systems. It implements FDTD, evolutionary approach and other methods of time domain electrodynamics. Build-in functionality can by used to obtain properties of EM filed radiated by arbitrary user defined source. Alternatively, the library provides an interface AbstractFiled to use build-in functions to compute user defined field components (\vect{E} and \vect{H}).

Maxwell project provides universal and simple to use interface for high performance parallel calculations on user defined problems that can continue unexpectedly interrupted calls from previous state. Also, it allows to use previously calculated points on new call.

Visualization of the simulations and computations is provided throw saving plot data in GNUPlot or Python script that is totally independent from current project.

On the other side the library allows to save computed data as machine learning dataset in JSON or CSV format. The output dataset is a time series with menadta to each element. It is desined to help to embed morden datascience methods into time domain electronics.


Source code is wrote within ISO c++14 standard and POSIX compatibility. Build system consist of the hierarchy of cmake files that provides automatic building, testing and installing of the library. It is expected that your system supports c++14 toolchain and has MySQL client with c++ API.

Core functionality of the library is located in maxwell/core dir and in build. Solution for a spesific problems like certan type of antenna presents in dirictry maxwell/module as chiled projects that are dependent on Any module is built as a separat library that can be loaded in runtime by ModuleManager ( with using of dlfcn.

All modules and core library have test dirictory of unit-test cpp-files. The tests are writn in ctest format.

Source code is OS free and build systems supports GNU/Linux, MacOS and BSD operation systems. The code can be compiled for Windows-like systems with the help of Linux environment for Windows like MinGW or Windows Subsystem for Linux. Following OS list is recommended for development process, the system is tested on the list:

  • GNU/Linux Ubuntu 16.04 LTE x86_64 (GNU GCC version 5.4.0 20160607)
  • GNU/Linux Ubuntu 18.04 LTE x86_64 (GNU GCC version 7.3.0 20180607)
  • MacOS Sierra 10.12.5 x86_64 (Apple LLVM version 8.1.0)
  • MacOS Sierra 10.14.3 x86_64 (Apple LLVM version 10.0.0)


If you are building the library on in other environment follow the wiki, nevertheless it is strongly recommended to read this tutorial firstly.

At first making sure that your c++ toolchain is ready. A list you need gcc, g++, make, cmake, ctest and git tools. Also, your system must suport POSIX standart for dynamic library linking in runtime dlfcn. These and some more debuging tools can be installed by apt-get:

~ $ sudo apt-get install build-essential cmake git

On this step you are able to clone or download sources:

~ $ git clone --depth=1 https://server/path/maxwell.git

If you are not able to login into MySQL server with mysql -u root -p then install and configure MySQL server. Also, maxwell project is using c++ API of MySQL that is provided in libmysqlclient-dev package

~ $ sudo apt-get install mysql-server
~ $ mysql_secure_installation
~ $ sudo apt-get install libmysqlclient-dev

If your MySQL server is ready create user and database for maxwell project:

~ $ mysql -t -u root -p < maxwell/setup.sql

Also, you can clean the server from maxwell data, user and tables by

~ $ mysql -t -u root -p < maxwell/purge.sql

The library maxwell is depended on POSIX library GMP. It is recommended to build its by yourself, so you will need to install its dependency and run the make script (or learn more by ./configure --help):

~ $ sudo apt-get install m4
~ $ make -C maxwell gnump
~ $ ls maxwell/gnump/include/ maxwell/gnump/lib/

Maxwell projects does not have plot functions. It saves plot data in the *.gnp script, that is supported separately by gnuplot project so you need to install gnuplot package (learn more ./configure --help):

~ $ sudo apt-get install gnuplot
~ $ gnuplot --version

Alternatively, you can build it by yourself:

~ $ sudo apt-get install libgd-dev libx11-dev
~ $ make -C maxwell gnuplot
~ $ maxwell/gnuplot/bin/gnuplot --version

Finally, you are ready to build the library. For this run the following commands in Maxwell directory:

~ $ mkdir maxwell/build && cd maxwell/build
build $ cmake ..
build $ make -j5

After secsessful build you will find shared object build/core/ and dynamicly linking libraries build/MODNAME/ for all modules. Note, library extantion depends from your system: .so for GNU/Linux, .dylib for Mac, and .dll for Windows.

It is recommended to run tests for successful build. Brouse build dirictory for test subdirictoris and run ctest for all of them. Example:

~ $ cd build/core/test && ctest


Name Contribution
Rolan Akhmedov project director
Oleksandr Dumin consultation in applied physics methods
Oleh Zahrychanskyi build system and multithreading


Running mysql script in verbose mode

~ $ mysql -vvv -u root -p < setup.sql

Saving database to script

~ $ mysqldump -u root -p maxwell > maxwell.sql
~ $ stat -x ./build/maxwell
~ $ file ./build/maxwell
~ $ nm -D | grep __gmpf_init
~ $ otools -L example/plot_energy_distribution


High performance software for numerical simulation of ultrawideband radar and telecommunication systems.








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