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Azure Publish profile


This action retrieves the publish profile used for publishing in Azure WebApp and Azure Functions.


You will need to install azure cli


How to install the Azure CLI

brew update && brew install azure-cli

Creating Service Principals

This action uses a service principal, so it must be created in advance. To create a service principal with authority over subscriptions, do the following

az ad sp create-for-rbac --name <Service principal name> --role contributor --scopes /subscriptions/<Subscription ID>

In this case, the "contributor" privilege is inherited by all resources in the subscription.

  "appId": "<App ID>",
  "displayName": "<Name>",
  "password": "<Password>",
  "tenant": "<Tenant ID>"

You will get a response like the above, save the appId, password, and tenant in this response. Set each saved value to secrets in GitHub Actions. Example: SERVICE_PRINCIPAL_APP_ID/SERVICE_PRINCIPAL_PASSWORD/SERVICE_PRINCIPAL_TENANT_ID


- uses: akiojin/azure-publish-profile-github-action@v3
  id: publish-profile
    app-id: ${{ secrets.SERVICE_PRINCIPAL_APP_ID }}
    password: ${{ secrets.SERVICE_PRINCIPAL_PASSWORD }}
    tenant: ${{ secrets.SERVICE_PRINCIPAL_TENANT_ID }}
    subscription: "Azure subscription 1"
    app-name: <AppName>
    resource-group: <Resource Group>


Name Required Type Description
app-id true string Service Principal App ID.
password true string Service Principal Password.
tenant true string Service Principal Tenant ID.
subscription true string Subscription ID.
app-name true string Name of the WebApp or Azure Functions from which to obtain the publishing profile.
resource-group true string Resource group ID


Name Type Description
publish-profile string


Any contributions made under this project will be governed by the MIT License.