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Original App Design Project - README Template


Table of Contents

  1. Overview
  2. Product Spec
  3. Wireframes
  4. Schema



App that allows user to search recipes.

App Evaluation

[Evaluation of your app across the following attributes]

  • Category: Education/Entertainment
  • Mobile: Can use push to suggest the recipes, and camera to make photo
  • Story: Allows user to search and share recipes
  • Market: Anyone who likes to cook and wants to find new recipes
  • Habit: It can be used any time someone wants to cook, and pushes can make it more habit-forming
  • Scope: Feasible, with recommendations being the hardest part.


BookmarksPreferencesProfile Reviews Send widget Pushes Recipe receiver

Product Spec

1. User Stories (Required and Optional)

Required Must-have Stories

  • User can login
  • User can register
  • User can view recipe
    • User can write review
  • User can like the recipe
    • User can view number of likes
    • User can get recommendations based on likes
  • User can search among the recipes in the db
    • User can use various filters, like rating, exclude certain ingrindients, time etc.
    • User can get hints when searhing
  • User can update preferences(like "never include certain ingridient") in the profile
    • User can select diets, prefered cuisines, intolerances from list of common intolerances and banned ingredients.
  • User can enter what ingridients they currently have, and get recipe suggestions
  • User can update profile picture
  • User can view other people profiles
  • ...

Optional Nice-to-have Stories

  • User can view substitutes to the ingredients
    • When viewing the recipe, user can slide to see how the ingridient could be substituted
  • User can view published recipes
    • User can add recipe
  • Search includes the rating
  • User can take a photo of the result and share in the social networks
  • User can get pushes with recommendations
  • Gather recipes from the other sources, and parse them into application format
  • User can share recipes with nearby users via bluetooth
  • User can get recipes suggestions based on what users nearby like
  • User can save some recipe offline
  • User can select "read outloud" on menus (ScreenReader)
  • User can search with voice
  • ...

2. Screen Archetypes

  • Login screen
  • Stream
    • Recipes feed screen
    • Search screen
    • Get suggestiongs from what I have
  • Detail
    • Recipe details screen
  • Creation
    • Create recipes screen
    • Write review screen
    • Profile details
  • Profile
  • Settings
    • Preferences screen

3. Navigation

Tab Navigation (Tab to Screen)

  • Search screen
  • Recipes feed screen
  • Get recipes rom what I have

Flow Navigation (Screen to Screen)

  • Login -> search screen, register screen
  • Search, Feed -> details screen
  • Details -> create review screen
  • Profile from top tab
  • Profile -> update preferences, add recipes, compose post


[BONUS] Digital Wireframes & Mockups

[BONUS] Interactive Prototype


[This section will be completed in Unit 9]



Property Type Desciprtion
body String The text of the recipe
ingridients String[] List of the ingridients
votesSum Number sum of votes
numVotes Number number of votes
cuisine String cuisine to which recipe belongs to
timeToCook Number time that recipe takes
author Pointer to user User who submitted the recipe
reviews Relation to reviews User reviews of recipe
ratedBy Relation to User users who rated the recipe


Property Type Desciprtion
body String Text of the review
author Pointer to user User who submitted review
media Array Attached photos


Property Type Desciprtion
preferences Pointer to preferences User settings
profilePicture File User avatar
bio String User bio
recipes Relation to recipes Recipes submitted by user
reviews Relation to reviews Reviews writeen by user


Property Type Desciprtion
numberOfVotes Array ingridients to exclude from search
avgTime Number average time of liked recipes
avgPrice Number average price of liked recipes
avgHealth Number average heathiness of liked recipes
userTaste Pointer to taste taste of user
stdTime Number standart deviation of time of liked recipes
diet relation to dietCounter diets, and how often they occur in user liked recipes
cuisine relation to cuisineCounter cuisines, and how often they occur in user liked recipes


Property Type Desciprtion
sweetness Number average sweetness of liked recipes
saltiness Number average saltiness of liked recipes
sourness Number average sourness of liked recipes
bitterness Number average bitterness of liked recipes
savoriness Number average savoriness of liked recipes
fattiness Number average fattiness of liked recipes
spiciness Number average spiciness of liked recipes


Property Type Desciprtion
name String name of the diet
counter Number how often user used the diet


Property Type Desciprtion
name String name of the diet
counter Number how often user used the cuisine


Base uri

HTTP VERB Endpoint Desciprtion
GET complex-search search
GET /recipes/{id}/information Detailed informtaions about recipes
GET /food/ingredients/autocomplete Autocomplete for ingredients search
GET /recipes/autocomplete Autocomplete for recipe title search
GET /food/ingredients/{id}/substitutes Get ingredient substitues by id
GET /recipes/{id}/tasteWidget.json get taste components


No description, website, or topics provided.






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