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Akraino Regional Controller Portal






A mariadb database instance is needed with the appropriate databases and tables in order for the back-end system to store and retrieve data.

For the production mode, there is already an appropriate database image uploaded in the ''.

Also, for the development mode, the portal-onapsdk/ONAP-SDK-APP/pom.xml file supports the creation of an appropriate docker image. The initialization scripts reside under the portal-onapsdk/ONAP-SDK-APP/docker/mariadb directory.

Finally, the portal-onapsdk/ONAP-SDK-APP/docker-scripts/arcportal/ script handles the deployment of this database (refer to the Appendix).

Installation / Deployment guide


  • Tools

In order to setup the production environment, the following tools are needed: - docker

Install docker using the following commands:

sudo apt install
sudo groupadd docker
sudo gpasswd -a $USER docker
newgrp docker

If the host is behind a proxy, configure docker to use this proxy:

mkdir /etc/systemd/system/docker.service.d
sudo nano /etc/systemd/system/docker.service.d/http-proxy.conf
<Paste the following lines>


<Save and exit from nano>

sudo systemctl daemon-reload
sudo systemctl restart docker


The following commands should be executed:

cd portal-onapsdk/ONAP-SDK-APP/docker-scripts/arcportal
./ --MARIADB_ROOT_PASSWORD <desired root user password of the MariaDB> --MARIADB_PASSWORD <desired MariaDB password for the akraino user> --ENCRYPTION_KEY <desired encryption key> --ARCPORTAL_ADMIN_PASSWORD <desired admin password of the ARC portal> --ARC_URL <URL of the regional controller> --ARC_USER <user of the regional controller> --ARC_PASSWORD <user password of the regional controller> --TRUST_ALL <whether all SSL certificates should be trusted or not>

Refer to Appendix where more details about the deployment script are explained.

The ARC portal should be available in the following url:

https://<IP of the ARC portal container>/

Developer's guide

Download the project

git clone ""


  • Tools

In order to setup the development environment, the following tools are needed: - JDK 1.8 - Maven - docker

Execute the commands below in order to install these tools (note that the PROXY_IP and PROXY_PORT variables must be substituted with the ones that are used by the hosting operating system)

If the host is behind a proxy, define this proxy using the following commands:

sudo touch /etc/apt/apt.conf.d/proxy.conf
sudo sh -c 'echo "Acquire::http::proxy \"http://<PROXY_IP>:<PROXY_PORT>/\";" >> /etc/apt/apt.conf.d/proxy.conf'
sudo sh -c 'echo "Acquire::https::proxy \"https://<PROXY_IP>:<PROXY_PORT>/\";" >> /etc/apt/apt.conf.d/proxy.conf'
sudo sh -c 'echo "Acquire::ftp::proxy \"ftp://<PROXY_IP>:<PROXY_PORT>/\";" >> /etc/apt/apt.conf.d/proxy.conf'
sudo apt-get update
export http_proxy=http://<PROXY_IP>:<PROXY_PORT>
export https_proxy=http://<PROXY_IP>:<PROXY_PORT>

Install jdk and maven using the following commands:

sudo apt install default-jdk
sudo apt install maven

If the host is behind a proxy, configure this proxy for maven:

nano ~/.m2/settings.xml
<Paste the following lines>

<settings xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation="">

<Save and exit from nano>

Install docker using the following commands:

sudo apt install
sudo groupadd docker
sudo gpasswd -a $USER docker
newgrp docker

If the host is behind a proxy, configure docker to use this proxy:

mkdir /etc/systemd/system/docker.service.d
sudo nano /etc/systemd/system/docker.service.d/http-proxy.conf
<Paste the following lines>


<Save and exit from nano>

sudo systemctl daemon-reload
sudo systemctl restart docker


In order to compile the project, the user should execute the following commands:

cd portal-onapsdk
mvn clean install

The portal-onapsdk/ONAP-SDK-APP/pom.xml file supports the building of appropriate ARC portal and MariaDB docker images for the development mode.

For this purpose, the following commands should be executed:

cd portal-onapsdk
mvn -f ./ONAP-SDK-APP/ docker:build


It should be noted that the compilation commands must be executed prior to deployment.

The following commands should be executed:

cd portal-onapsdk/ONAP-SDK-APP/docker-scripts/arcportal
./ --REGISTRY akraino-dev --TAG_VER latest --MARIADB_ROOT_PASSWORD <desired root user password of the MariaDB> --MARIADB_PASSWORD <desired MariaDB password for the akraino user> --ENCRYPTION_KEY <desired encryption key> --ARCPORTAL_ADMIN_PASSWORD <desired admin password of the ARC portal> --ARC_URL <URL of the regional controller> --ARC_USER <user of the regional controller> --ARC_PASSWORD <user password of the regional controller> --TRUST_ALL <whether all SSL certificates should be trusted or not>

Refer to Appendix where more details about the deployment script are explained.

The ARC portal should be available in the following url:

https://<IP of the ARC portal container>/


Currently, one user is supported by the ARC portal, namely admin (full privileges). Its password is initialized during ARC portal deployment.

Also, the creation/modification of users using the ARC portal is not supported.


Deployment and deletion scripts

The deployment script, namely the 'portal-onapsdk/ONAP-SDK-APP/docker-scripts/arcportal/', handles all the deployment of the ARC portal and MariaDB containers.

This script accepts the following as input parameters:

CON_NAME_ARC_PORTAL, the name of the ARC portal container, default value is 'arc_portal' CON_NAME_ARC_PORTAL_MARIADB, the name of the MariaDB container, default value is 'arc_portal_mariadb' REGISTRY, the name of the docker registry, default value is ''. So, the script will search in Nexus for the docker images. If the user wants to use the local built images (development mode), the content of this parameter should be 'akraino-dev' IMAGE_NAME_ARC_PORTAL, the name of the ARC portal image, default value is 'akraino/arc_portal' IMAGE_NAME_ARC_PORTAL, the name of the MariaDB image, default value is 'akraino/arc_portal_mariadb' TAG_VER, the version of the image, default value is '0.1.0-SNAPSHOT'. If the user wants to use the local built images (development mode), the content of this parameter should be 'latest' MARIADB_USER, the mariadb user, the default value is 'akraino' MARIADB_PASSWORD, the mariadb user password, this variable is required ARC_URL, the URL of the ARC, this variable is required ARC_PROXY, the proxy needed in order for the ARC to be reachable, default value is none ARC_USER, the user of the ARC, this variable is required ARC_PASSWORD, the password of the ARC user, this variable is required CERTDIR, the directory where the SSL certificates can be found, default value is the working directory where self signed certificates exist only for demo purposes ENCRYPTION_KEY, the key that should be used by the AES algorithm for encrypting passwords stored in database, this variable is required ARCPORTAL_ADMIN_PASSWORD, the desired ARC portal password for the admin user, this variable is required TRUST_ALL, the variable that defines whether the ARC portal should trust all certificates or not, default value is false HOST_PORT, port of the hosting OS that will be used for exposing https port (i.e. 443) of the ARC portal container, default value is 10000 DOCKER_VOLUME_NAME, the name of the docker volume that will be used for the MariaDB container, default value is "arc_portal_mariadb" MARIADB_ROOT_PASSWORD, the desired value for the root password of the MariaDB, this variable is required

All the required variables must be defined by the user as input parameters in the script. The default parameters should be defined only if the user wants to change their value.

For example, the following command can be executed if a user wants to deploy the local built images (i.e. development mode):

cd portal-onapsdk/ONAP-SDK-APP/docker-scripts/arcportal

If no proxy exists, the ARC_PROXY variable should not be defined.

As far as the SSL certificates are concerned, self-signed built-in certificates exist in the 'portal-onapsdk/ONAP-SDK-APP/docker-scripts/arcportal/' directory which are used by default. It should be noted that these certificates should be used only for demo purposes. If a user wants to use different ones which are more appropriate for a production environment, the directory that contains these new certificates must be defined using the 'CERTDIR' parameter of the 'portal-onapsdk/ONAP-SDK-APP/docker-scripts/arcportal/' script. It should be noted that the certificates must have specific names, that are 'bluval.crt' and 'bluval.key' for the certificate and the key respectively.

As far as the deletion process is concerned, the deletion script, namely the 'portal-onapsdk/ONAP-SDK-APP/docker-scripts/arcportal/', handles all the deletion procedure.

This script accepts the following as input parameters:

CON_NAME_ARC_PORTAL, the name of the ARC portal container, default value is 'arc_portal' CON_NAME_ARC_PORTAL_MARIADB, the name of the MariaDB container, default value is 'arc_portal_mariadb' DOCKER_VOLUME_NAME, the name of the docker volume used my the MariaDB, default value is 'arc_portal_mariadb'

For example, the following command can be executed if a user wants to delete the ARC portal and Mariadb containers together with the used docker volume:

cd portal-onapsdk/ONAP-SDK-APP/docker-scripts/arcportal