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Library for simple management cookies in your SvelteKit app

Getting Started

1. Types

Add to your App.d.ts cookieManager fields - ServerCookieManager for server side and BrowserCookieManager for browser

declare namespace App {
	 interface Locals {
		userid: string;
		cookieManager: import('@svetlokit/cookie-manager').ServerCookieManager;

	interface Platform {}

	interface Session {}

	interface Stuff {
		cookieManager: import('@svetlokit/cookie-manager').BrowserCookieManager;

2. Hooks

Add cookieManagerHook

import type { Handle } from '@sveltejs/kit';
import { sequence } from '@sveltejs/kit/hooks';
import { cookieManagerHook } from  '@svetlokit/cookie-manager';

export const handle: Handle = sequence(cookieManagerHook, ...);

3. Create adapter

Create adapter for your cookie. You can do it by extending `CookieAdapter'

import { CookieAdapter } from  '@svetlokit/cookie-manager';

export class DateAdapter extends CookieAdapter<Date> {
    public static serialize(value: Date): string {
        return value.toISOString();
    public static parse(serializedValue: string): Date {
        return new Date(serializedValue);

    public get isFuture(): boolean {
        return this.value?.getTime() >;

4. Use adapters

import { CookieManager, CookieTextAdapter } from '@svetlokit/cookie-manager';
import type { RequestEvent, RequestHandler } from '@sveltejs/kit';
import { DateAdapter } from './date.adapter.ts';

export const get: RequestHandler = async (event: RequestEvent) => {
    const userAuthorizedAt: DateAdapter = event.locals.cookieManager.getAdapter(DateAdapter, 'date-authorize');
    userAuthorizedAt.update(new Date());
    const userRegisteredAt: DateAdapter = event.locals.cookieManager.getAdapter(DateAdapter, 'date-register');

5. Use in browser

Add to __layout.svelte

<script lang="ts" context="module">
	import type { Load } from '@sveltejs/kit';
	import { BrowserCookieManager } from '@svetlokit/cookie-manager';

	// see
	export const load: Load = async ({ fetch }) => {
		return { 
			stuff: {
				cookieManager: new BrowserCookieManager()

And in ither files you can get manager from page store

<script lang="ts">
	import { page } from '$app/stores';

	import { onMount } from 'svelte';

	onMount(() =>{


Mediator between cookies and adapters.


Fields Descripton
public get(name: string): string undefined

Methods Descripton
protected cookies: Map<string, string> Initial cookies values
public set(name: string, value: string, options?: Options): void Set cookie value
public remove(name: string): void Remove cookie
public getAdapter<...>(ctor: CookieAdapterCtor, name: string, defaultValue?: any): T Get adapter instance

Adapter for cookie, that keep value of some type (default - string). You can create it with CookieManager#getAdapter, or by new ... (in this case don't forget CookieAdapter#setManager. By defalut implementented CookieJSONAdapter<D> and CookieTextAdapter.
Example of implementing adapter:

interface ParsedUserInfo {
    name: string;
    endOfTrial: string;

export interface UserInfo {
    name: string;
    endOfTrial: Date;

export class UserInfo extends CookieAdapter<Date> {
    public static serialize(value: UserInfo): string {
        return JSON.stringify(value);
    public static parse(serializedValue: string): UserInfo {
        try {
            const info = JSON.parse(serializedValue);
            if (typeof info === 'object') {
                return {
                    endOfTrial: new Date(info.endOfTrial)
        } catch (e) { }

        return null;

    public get trialEnded(): boolean {
        return this.value?.endOfTrial?.getTime() >;

    public extendTrial(): void {
        if (this.value) {
            const endOfTrial: Date = new Date(this.value.endOfTrial);
            endOfTrial.setDate(endOfTrial.getDate() + 1);
            this.update({ ...this.value, endOfTrial });

public static serialize<T>(value: T): string

Function for serialization value of adapter to cookie string value

public static serialize(value: Date): string {
    return value.toISOString();

public static parse<T>(serializedValue: string): T

Function for pasring adapter value from cookie value

public static parse(serializedValue: string): Date {
    return new Date(serializedValue);


Fields Descripton
public readonly name: string Name of cookie
public initialValue?: string Initial cookie value on adapter create moment
public get serializedValue(): string Serialized current adapter value
public value: D = null Current adapter value
protected manager?: CookieManager Manager, that gives initial value and saves updated value of this adapter

Methods Descripton
public setManager(manager: CookieManager): void Set manager
public update(value: D, options?: CookieOptions): void Update value