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Detects the flair of a reddit post

All the coding has been done in python. Pandas dataframe has been used to access the contents of the csv file. Flask along with HTML and JavaScript has been used to make the web application.

How to run

1. Clone this repository
2. Run the following commands on terminal-
    i. virtualenv -p /usr/bin/python3 venv : create virtual environment
    ii. source venv/bin/activate
    iii. pip install -r requirements.txt
    iv. python
    v. Open the link on a web browser
    vi. Enter the url you wish to find the flair for.

File Descriptions

1. : Python script that gets the data from submissions from reddit from the subreddit India and enters it into a csv

2. initial_final.csv : Stores the above mentioned data for 100 submissions

3. initial_final_10000.csv : Stores the above mentioned data for 10000 submissions

4. : Python script that cleans the data that we get from reddit

5. : Python script that calls the function from above mentioned file and stores the cleaned data in a csv

6. cleaned_data_final : Stores the above mentioned data for 100 submissions

7. cleaned_data_final_10000.csv : Stores the above mentioned data for 10000 submissions

8. : Python script that performs logistic regression(Machine Learning) for the fields of title, url, comments, author and id to get results for the flair

9. log_reg_combined_model.sav : Model obtained from the above mentioned for 100 submissions

10. log_reg_combined_model_10000.sav : Model obtained from the above mentioned for 10000 submissions

11. : Runs the python web application

12. Templates : contains the HTML files

13. Static : contains the CSS files

Collected data from reddit using praw. I got the following fields - link_flair_text, title, id, url, created, commentList, author

Cleaned the title and comments.

The data for title, url, comments, author and id was divided into 30-70 percentage ratio for test and training. Logistic regression algorithm from scikitlearn was applied on this. For 100 submissions I got an accuracy of 0.5666666666666667 and for 10000 submissions I got an accuracy of 0.6812080536912751.

The references used are mentioned in references.txt

Made a python flask web app in which upon entering the url one would get the flair predicted by this model. The trained model was used to get this.


Detects the flair of a reddit post






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