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Akshat Bahety edited this page May 23, 2018 · 1 revision

Google Summer of Code @ PMD

Summer Project Goals

Week 1

Removed the need for RefreshAST Button.

Week 2-4

  • Flesh out the designer and add at least three other new features along the way. Good candidates would be auxclasspath setup, cleanup of XML ASTs, and more generally the convenience features around the AST and the editor mentioned in #714.

Week 4-10

  • Implement a feature allowing users to evaluate a rule, and load and edit the XPath expression of XPath rules. It should be smoothly integrated into the UX.

Week 10-12

  • Write and publish on the website some user documentation for the designer, including, but not limited to, a tutorial article showing off the main features to a first-time user
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