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Reedy Limits

This is a repository for playing around with syntactical definitions for Reedy Limits in univalent type theory, i.e. a type theory where all types are fibrant.

Even for the weakest Reddy limits we'll need a very sophisticated machinery, namely the coinductive counterpart of induction-recursion: coinduction-recursion, a mutually dependent (however non-circular) definition of a coinductive type and a function signature of which depends on the type being defined. This is precisely the construction anticipated by Nicolai Kraus [1] and strongly related to so called very dependent types by Jason Hickey [2]. Categorical semantics of such gadgets was not yet studied, but we hope that if we get syntax and computation rules to do the right thing, semantics can bent into shape under some unburdensome conditions.

Look into for brief introduction to used syntax and short discussion of Coinduction-Recursion.

Now here's a code primer:

@Structure SST:
  Filler{0} : Type
  Filler{succ(n : Nat)}(boundary : Simplex(n + 1, n)) : Type
  @def Simplex(n : Nat, m: Fin(n + 1)): Type
    Simplex(n : Nat, 0): (Fin(n + 1) -> Filler{0})
	Simplex(n : Nat, succ(m)): (base : Simplex(n, m)) ×
     (filler(comb : Combs(n + 1, m + 2)) : Filler(face(comb)(base)))

  @def face{n : Nat, m : Fin(n), k : Fin(n + 1)}
   (c : Combs(n, m))(s : Simplex(n, k)): Simplex(m, k ∧ m)
    face(c)(vertices : Simplex(n, 0)): vertices ∘ c	 
	face(c)((base : Simplex(n, m)) ×
     (filler(c' : Combs(n + 1, m + 2)) : Filler(face(c')(base)))):
      face(c)(base) × ((c' : Combs(n + 1, m + 2)): filler(c ∘ c')) 

We coinductivly define a semisimplicial type (x : SST) to be an object having a Type-valued family of eliminators Filler{dim}.

These are types of n-dimensional fillers (vertices, edges, faces, 3-faces, 4-faces, etc). For n > 0, they are indexed by their boundaries, i.e. simplices with (n + 1) vertices where all faces up to dimension (n - 1) are filled.

The type Simplex(n, m) of n-dimensional simplices filled up to dimension m is defined recursively, its definition is mutually but non-circularily dependent on Filler{dim} and a further helper function face.

Unfilled simplices are given by a list of their vertices (v : Fin(n) -> x.Filler{0}). Then we have to fill its edges (i.e. 1-dimensional subsimplices), faces (i.e. 2-dimensional subsimplices), etc. How can we write that down?

Well, let Combs(n, m : Fin(n)) denote a type of strictly monotone functions from Fin(m) to Fin(n), thus its inhabitants choose unordered combinations (couples, triples) of elements of a list of the length n. If we a given an dim-dimensional simplex (it has dim + 1 vertices), each its dim'-dimensional subsimplex can be uniquely described by choice of (dim' + 1) vertices among (dim + 1) that we have, thus by an element comb : Combs(dim + 1, dim' + 1).

Now we'll define an extracting function function face(comb, simplex) that extract given subsimplex from the simplex, then we can give a definition for m-filled simplex, namely for going a dimension higher one has to provide a filler for each m-subsimplices:

Simplex(n : Nat, succ(m)): (base : Simplex(n, m)) ×
 (filler(comb : Combs(n + 1, m + 2)) : Filler(face(comb)(base)))

Now for any (x : SST) and any natural number (n : Nat) we have the type x.Simplex(n, n) of its n-simplices and for any face map encoded by a strictly monotone function f : Fin(n) -> Fin(m) we have a map face(f)(x.Simplex(n, n)) : x.Simplex(m, m), such that composition is strictly preserved by definition of face. Thus we obtain functors from the category Δ+ into types.


Playing around with Semi-Simplicial Types and related structures






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