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Basil Miller edited this page Dec 10, 2020 · 5 revisions

This page describes the Akurateco Android SDK adapters.


Adapter maps the raw Payment Platform API Action to the native Android SDK method.

All of the adapters listed in the AkuratecoSDK class as the inner object.

For example, to acquire the SALE adapter, call the following function:


The acquiring of each Adapter will check the AkuratecoSDK initialization status.

The AkuratecoSdkIsNotInitializedException will be thrown in case of failed initialization.

This is the list of all possible Akurateco Android SDK Adapters:

Adapter Description
AkuratecoSDK.Adapter.SALE Creates SALE or AUTH transaction
AkuratecoSDK.Adapter.CAPTURE Creates CAPTURE transaction
AkuratecoSDK.Adapter.CREDITVOID Creates REVERSAL or REFUND transaction
AkuratecoSDK.Adapter.GET_TRANS_STATUS Gets status of the transaction in Payment Platform
AkuratecoSDK.Adapter.GET_TRANS_DETAILS Gets details of the order from Payment platform
AkuratecoSDK.Adapter.RECURRING_SALE Creates SALE or AUTH transaction using previously used cardholder data