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OpenVMS df - Disk Free

I know there are other versions of this Linux command out there for OpenVMS as DCL scripts, etc.

I'd like to add a version which I have written for VAX and Alpha which I have found to be quite useful (I don't have access to an IA64 system).

The default display is "df -b" display 512-byte blocks for example, on my small Alpha:

$ df
Device Name         Blocks        Used       Avail Capacity  Volume Label
ALPHA$DKB100:     71833096    15939784    55893312    22%    ALPHASYS
ALPHA$DKB200:     71833096    17662162    54170934    24%    DEVDISK1

and the "df -h" human readable output:

$ df -h
Device Name         Size      Used     Avail Capacity  Volume Label
ALPHA$DKB100:     34.2GB     7.6GB    26.6GB    22%    ALPHASYS
ALPHA$DKB200:     34.2GB     8.4GB    25.8GB    24%    DEVDISK1

The human readable units are true multiples of 1024 but the output will never display more than 999 of any unit. No rounding is performed as I have found that in doing so can result in nonsensical results.

If you want a true picture use "df" or "df -b" to display the 512-byte blocks.

I have not tested this on bound-volume sets or any large raid-arrays, so I don't know what the results will be.

This is free software for anyone to use commercial or non-commercial.

"df" has NO software dependencies and will run on any OpenVMS version.

These are available from:

The simplest way to download is to just "Download ZIP" and extract the files you want.

Install "df" as a foreign command. Copy the executable:

$ copy df.exe sys$common[sysexe]df.exe

and define the "df" symbol as:

$ df :== $sys$common:[sysexe]df.exe

Alan Fay

FreeWare: Free for anyone to use commercial/non-commercial.

This software is provided "as is" without warranty of any kind, express or implied. In no event shall the author or any contributors be held liable for any direct, indirect, incidental, special or consequential damages arising out of the use of or inability to use this software.


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