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JeremiasKnoblauch committed Jul 19, 2018
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#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Created on Sat Jan 13 15:00:33 2018
@author: jeremiasknoblauch
Description: Implements an AR-approach where each location gets only its own
past as regressors, and where we do NOT allow for spatial relations. Basically,
it amounts to the 'independent' model in Murphy.

import numpy as np
from scipy import linalg
from scipy import misc

from probability_model import ProbabilityModel
from BVAR_NIG import BVARNIG

class BARNIG(ProbabilityModel):
"""This creates an object based on and similar to the BVARNIG object.
In particular, each location is treated as completely independent from
all other locations. No endogeneous regressors from other locations are
allowed for [though we might want to add that feature in time], and the
variance is modelled as independent
S1, S2 spatial dimensions
joint_log_probabilities P(y_1:t, r_t, m_t)
location_models S1*S2 BVAR_NIG objects, one for each

def __init__(self, prior_a_list, prior_b_list,
S1, S2,
prior_mean_beta_list=None, prior_var_beta_list=None,
prior_mean_scale_list=None, prior_var_scale_list=None,
non_spd_alerts_list = None):
"""Creates the object by creating a BVAR object per location. For
arguments that were not supplied, it creates default-options before
doing so."""

"""STEP 1: Sanity check: Is S1*S2 = len(lag_list)?"""
if not S1*S2 == len(lags_list):
print("ERROR! S1, S2 do not match dimension of lags_list")
"""If it is not, save everything"""
self.S1, self.S2 = S1, S2
self.lags_list = lags_list

"""STEP 2: Construct priors that were not supplied (convenience

"""STEP 2.1: do it for the coefficient mean"""
if prior_mean_beta_list is None and prior_mean_scale_list is None:
self.prior_mean_beta_list = []
for lag in lags_list:
elif not prior_mean_beta_list is None:
self.prior_mean_beta_list = prior_mean_beta_list
elif not prior_mean_scale_list is None:
self.prior_mean_beta_list = []
for (lag, location) in zip(lags_list, range(0, self.S1*self.S2)):

"""STEP 2.2: Do it for the coef var"""
if prior_var_beta_list is None and prior_var_scale_list is None:
self.prior_var_beta_list = []
for lag in lags_list:
elif not prior_var_beta_list is None:
self.prior_var_beta_list = prior_var_beta_list
elif not prior_var_scale_list is None:
self.prior_var_beta_list = []
for (lag, location) in zip(lags_list, range(0, self.S1*self.S2)):

"""STEP 2.3: Do it for the spd alerts"""
self.non_spd_alerts_list = [False]*self.S1*self.S2

"""STEP 2.4: Do it for the nbh sequences"""
self.nbh_sequence_list = []
self.res_sequence_list = []
for lag in lags_list:

"""STEP 3: Create the list of BVAR objects, one for each location"""
self.location_models = []
for location in range(0, self.S1*self.S2):
BVARNIG(prior_a_list[location], prior_b_list[location],
S1=1, S2=1,
prior_mean_beta = self.prior_mean_beta_list[location],
prior_var_beta = self.prior_var_beta_list[location],

"""STEP 4: Create additional things that are not input-specific"""
self.retained_run_lengths = np.array([0,0])
self.joint_log_probabilities = 1
self.has_lags = True
self.lag_length = max(self.lags_list) #choose the max lag length from the list
self.auto_prior_update = False
self.exo_bool = False
self.model_log_evidence = -np.inf
self.nbh_sequence = -1

def initialization(self, X_endo, X_exo, Y_2, X_exo_2, cp_model, model_prior,
padding_columns_computeXX = None, padding_column_get_x_new = None):
"""Initialize the model (i.e. t=1) with some inputs from the
containing Detector object. The padding_column arguments are only
needed for the demo Csurf object.
NOTE: The X_exo-arguments are not relevant for BAR_NIG (at this stage)

print("Initializing BAR object")

"""STEP 1: Get relevant variables and reshape them + pass them to
individual BVARs for initialization"""
Y2 = Y_2.flatten()

"""NOTE: Detector passes a chunck with length lag_length + 1, which
corresponds to the maximum of all lag lengths + 1. We need to cut off
from X_endo's left hand side the difference (max-lag - this-model-lag)
before initializing that model"""

for (lag, location) in zip(self.lags_list, range(0, self.S1*self.S2)):

"""NOTE: since we will just sum up the outputs of all individual
location models' log_densities, we only want to pass the 'true'
prior into one of the models. Otherwise we would multiply our
joint log probability S1*S2 times with the prior at t=0"""

X_endo_loc = X_endo[(self.lag_length - lag):,location]
n = np.size(X_endo_loc)
X_endo_loc = X_endo_loc.reshape(n,1)
self.location_models[location].initialization(X_endo = X_endo_loc,
X_exo = None, Y_2 = Y2[location], X_exo_2 = None,
cp_model = cp_model, model_prior=1,

"""STEP 2: Get the model log_evidence, using the location models"""
self.model_log_evidence = model_prior + np.sum(
[loc_mod.model_log_evidence for loc_mod in self.location_models])

"""STEP 3: Get the joint log probabilities, using location models"""

"""Ensure that we do not get np.log(0)=np.inf by perturbation"""
if cp_model.pmf_0(1) == 0:
epsilon = 0.000000000001
epsilon = 0

"""Compute joint log probs"""
r_equal_0 = (self.model_log_evidence +
np.log(cp_model.pmf_0(0) + epsilon))
r_larger_0 = (self.model_log_evidence +
np.log(cp_model.pmf_0(1)+ epsilon))
self.joint_log_probabilities = np.array([r_equal_0, r_larger_0])

def evaluate_predictive_log_distribution(self, y, t):
"""Returns the log densities of *y* using the predictive posteriors
for all possible run-lengths r=0,1,...,t-1,>t-1 as currently stored by
virtue of the sufficient statistics.
The corresponding density is computed for all run-lengths and
returned in a np array. Here, this means we compute the log densities
for each individual location model, and then sum them up (due to
independence assumption across locations)"""

"""STEP 1: Bring everything we need into the right form"""
y = y.flatten()
run_length_num = self.retained_run_lengths.shape[0]
log_densities = np.zeros(shape=run_length_num)

"""STEP 2: Extract log densities of each model and add them together"""
for location in range(0, self.S1*self.S2):
log_densities += (self.location_models[location].

"""STEP 3: Return the result"""
return log_densities

def evaluate_log_prior_predictive(self, y, t):
"""use only the prior specs of BVARNIG object to get predictive prob"""
prior_prob = 0
for location in range(0, self.S1*self.S2):
prior_prob += (self.location_models[location].
return prior_prob

def save_NLL_fixed_pars(self, y,t):
"""get the NLL for each BVAR object and simply add it together"""
y = y.flatten()
helper = np.zeros(self.retained_run_lengths.shape[0])
for location in range(0,self.S1*self.S2):
#NOTE: They should all have the same length since lag length is
# the same across al location models
helper+= (self.location_models[location].
self.one_step_ahead_predictive_log_probs_fixed_pars = helper

def update_predictive_distributions(self, y_t, y_tm1, x_exo_t, x_exo_tp1, t,
padding_column_tm1 = None,
padding_column_t = None,
r_evaluations = None):
"""Takes the next observation, *y*, at time *t* and updates the
sufficient statistics, means & vars corresponding to all potential
run-lengths r=0,1,...,t-1,>t-1. This is simply done inside the model.

"""STEP 1: Update all the quantities inside the location models"""
y_t = y_t.flatten()
y_tm1 = y_tm1.flatten()
for location in range(0, self.S1*self.S2):
y_t[location], y_tm1[location], x_exo_t, x_exo_tp1, t,
padding_column_tm1 = None, padding_column_t = None,
r_evaluations = None)

"""STEP 2: change what we need to adapt inside BAR object"""
self.retained_run_lengths = self.retained_run_lengths + 1
self.retained_run_lengths = np.insert(self.retained_run_lengths, 0, 0)

def trimmer(self, kept_run_lengths):
"""Trim the relevant quantities for the BAR NIG model"""
self.joint_log_probabilities = (
self.retained_run_lengths = (
self.model_log_evidence = misc.logsumexp(
self.joint_log_probabilities )

"""Trim all quantities for the location-specific models"""
for location in range(0, self.S1*self.S2):
BAR_submodel = True)

def get_posterior_expectation(self, t, r_list=None):
"""get the predicted value/expectation from the current posteriors
at time point t, for all possible run-lengths. Get a prediction
for each location, and then tie them all together in one array of the
correct dimensions"""
num_retained_run_lengths = np.size(self.retained_run_lengths)
post_mean = np.zeros((num_retained_run_lengths,
for location in range(0, self.S1*self.S2):
# get_posterior_expectation(t))
post_mean[:,location] = (self.location_models[location].

return post_mean

def get_posterior_variance(self, t, r_list=None):
"""get the predicted variance from the current posteriors at
time point t, for all possible run-lengths. Get a prediction
for each location, and then tie them all together in one array of the
correct dimensions"""
num_retained_run_lengths = np.size(self.retained_run_lengths)
post_var = np.zeros((num_retained_run_lengths,
self.S1*self.S2, self.S1*self.S2))

"""Note: This makes the diag non-zero and the rest 0"""
for location in range(0, self.S1*self.S2):
post_var[:,location, location] = (self.location_models[location].

return post_var

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