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Quick helpful tip, if you are creating a NEW Django project on Windows:

This command may not work on windows django-admin startproject {name_of_your_app}

Equivalent command for windows is: python -m django startproject {name_of_your_app}

Group partners do not need to run these commands for this project. This is just a helpful tidbit for future projects.

Getting Started:

First, you need to export the required Google and Bing API keys as OS 'env' variables. To simplify this, run the following script found in the top level GeoNewsApp folder: chmod +x source ./ If you experience errors with the script, such as 'bad interpreter' or 'command not found' it is possible the EOF markers has been changed if converting between Unix to Windows. An example easy fix is to use a program like Notepad ++ to open the script, and look at the bottom right corner where you'll see an OS reference. Change this to Unix if you're running this from Linux. Alternatively, you can manually export the keys that you see in the script: export GOOGLE_API_KEY=<add google key> export BING_API_KEY=<add bing key>

If you do not do the above steps, users will encounter a 500 error due to exceptions raised by '' as the API keys won't be accessible to the server.

Next, prepare your Django setup. You can do this with the help of 'requirements.txt' python3 -m pip install -r requirements.txt

Run the server... when you're in the parent directory:

python3 runserver

and then go to wherever your localhost server starts running

(i.e localhost:8000 or etc... )

Please note that this 'readme' is a quickstart. For full instructions, see the 'Admin Guide' section of the full GeoNews documentation offered through CMSC_495. That section includes additional information on deploying a public facing server, as well as troubleshooting recommendations for common mistakes.


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