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Example for alancting/react-cas-client

Example included a basic CAS server and react client using alancting/react-cas-client

How to start

  1. Install Docker in your local machine
  2. Run the example containers
$ docker-compose build
$ docker-compose up
  1. Open browser, go to (Make sure the local CAS server is running, it might take a while)

For CAS Web Flow

  1. Open browser, go to (cas-web-client),
  2. Click login, you will be redirect to CAS login page (cas-server)
  3. Login with follows account
    • Username: casuser
    • Password: Mellon
  4. You will be redirect back to the (cas-web-client)
  5. You're now logged in with CAS ✔️

For CAS Proxy Web Flow

  1. Open browser, go to (cas-web-client-proxy-auth)
  2. Click login, you will be redirect to CAS login page (cas-server) with the pgtUrl (proxy callback: cas-proxy-app)
  3. Login with follows account
    • Username: casuser
    • Password: Mellon
  4. CAS server will make a GET request to the pgtUrl (proxy callback) with proxy grant data, the proxy application (cas-proxy-app) should record/handle the proxy grant data properly.
  5. You will be redirect back to the (cas-web-client-proxy-auth)
  6. You're now logged in with CAS ✔️
  7. cas-web-client-proxy-auth make call to cas-proxy-app with pgtiou to retrieve the pt (proxy ticket) for the target API application (cas-api)
  8. cas-proxy-app should
    1. Cross-check the proxy data handled in step4 with the pgtiou,
    2. Make calls to CAS sever (cas-server) to create a proxy ticket for API application (cas-api)
    3. Return the pt
  9. cas-web-client-proxy-auth make call to cas-api with pt (from step 8) to login/register to cas-api with the given pt
  10. cas-api should
    • Validate the pt with CAS server (cas-server)
    • When the pt is valid, the api server should accept this pt for current user and other api requests make with this pt in future (or any custom auth logic)
    • Return a appropriate response.
  11. You're now able to make call to the API server (cas-api) with the pt (or any custom auth logic) ✔️


MIT license