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alanhogan committed Sep 3, 2009
1 parent 9c401d0 commit 185b5bf
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Showing 23 changed files with 1,958 additions and 1,958 deletions.
184 changes: 92 additions & 92 deletions README.txt
@@ -1,92 +1,92 @@
=== Contact Form 8 ===
Contributors: takayukister
Donate link:
Tags: contact, contact form, email, ajax, captcha, akismet
Requires at least: 2.7
Tested up to: 2.9-rare
Stable tag: 2.0.1
License: GPL?
A fork of Contact Form 7, Contact Form 8 improves things like checkboxes (labels!).
== Description ==
Just another contact form plugin. Simple but flexible.
Contact Form 7 can manage multiple contact forms, plus you can customize the form and the mail contents flexibly with simple markup. The form supports Ajax-powered submitting, CAPTCHA, Akismet spam filtering and so on.
**Note: Contact Form 7's CAPTCHA module has been separated as [Really Simple CAPTCHA]( plugin. Now you need to install it if you use CAPTCHA. If you don't, you can use as in the past.**
Since being published in August 2007, Contact Form 7 has been translated into a number of languages. Our thanks and appreciation must go to the following for their contributions:
* Albanian (sq) - [Olgi Zenullari](
* Arabic (ar) - [Tarek Chaaban]( and Muhammed Lardi
* Bangla (bn_BD) - [SM Mehdi Akram](
* Bosnian (bs) - [Vedran](
* Brazilian Portuguese (pt_BR) - [Leonardo Pinheiro]( (updated by [Henrique Vianna](
* Bulgarian (bg_BG) - [Iliyan Darganov](
* Catalan (ca_ES) - [Jordi Sancho](
* Chinese, Simplified (zh_CN) - [Soz](
* Chinese, Traditional (zh_TW) - [James Wu](
* Croatian (hr) - [tolingo Translation Services](
* Czech (cs_CZ) - Korry
* Danish (da_DK) - [Jens Griebel]( (updated by [Georg S. Adamsen](
* Dutch (nl_NL) - [Chris Devriese]( (updated by [Martin Hein](
* Estonian (et) - [Peeter Rahuvarm](
* Finnish (fi) - [Miika Turunen](
* French (fr_FR) - [Jillij]( (updated by [Maître Mô](
* Georgian (ka_GE) - [Nodar Davituri](
* German (de_DE) - [Marcel Spitau]( (updated by [Ivan Graf](
* Greek (el) - [Nick Mouratidis]( (updated by [Pr. friedlich](
* Hebrew (he_IL) - [Yaron Ofer](
* Hindi (hi_IN) - [Tarun Joshi](
* Hungarian (hu_HU) - [Andras Hirschler](
* Indonesian (id_ID) - [Hendry Lee](
* Italian (it_IT) - [Bruno]( (updated by [Gianni Diurno](
* Japanese (ja) - [Takayuki Miyoshi]( (plugin author)
* Korean (ko_KR) - Seong Eun Lee (updated by [Jong-In Kim](
* Latvian (lv) - [Sandis Veinbergs](
* Norwegian (nb_NO) - Kjetil M. Bergem
* Persian (Farsi; fa_IR) - [Mohammad Musavi](
* Polish (pl_PL) - [Zbigniew Czernik](
* Portuguese (pt_PT) - [Hugo Baeta](
* Russian (ru_RU) - [Dmitry Volotovich](
* Romanian (ro_RO) - [Stas Sushkov](
* Serbian (sr_RS) - [Vedran](
* Slovak (sk) - [Patrik Bóna](
* Slovene (sl_SI) - [Mihael Simonič](
* Spanish (es_ES) - [Jordi Sancho](
(updated by [Vladimir Prieto](, [Federico Mikaelian]( and [Matias Baldanza](
* Swedish (sv_SE) - [Fredrik Jonsson]( (updated by [the Swedish community](
* Turkish (tr_TR) - [Roman Neumuller]( (updated by [Hasan Yılmaz](
* Ukrainian (uk_UA) - [Andrey Kovba](
* Vietnamese (vi) - Thanh Hải, Hà
If you have created your own language pack, or have an update of an existing one, you can send [gettext .po and .mo files]( to me so that I can bundle it into Contact Form 7.
== Installation ==
1. Upload the entire `contact-form-7` folder to the `/wp-content/plugins/` directory.
1. Activate the plugin through the 'Plugins' menu in WordPress.
You will find 'Contact' menu in your WordPress admin panel.
For basic usage, you can also have a look at the [plugin homepage]( and [FAQ](
== Frequently Asked Questions ==
Please see [FAQ](
If you have any further questions,
please submit them [to the support forum](
Attention: [Check your site before reporting trouble, please!](
== Screenshots ==
1. screenshot-1.png
== Changelog ==
[See change logs in author's blog.](
=== Contact Form 8 ===
Contributors: takayukister
Donate link:
Tags: contact, contact form, email, ajax, captcha, akismet
Requires at least: 2.7
Tested up to: 2.9-rare
Stable tag: 2.0.1

License: GPL?

A fork of Contact Form 7, Contact Form 8 improves things like checkboxes (labels!).

== Description ==

Just another contact form plugin. Simple but flexible.

Contact Form 7 can manage multiple contact forms, plus you can customize the form and the mail contents flexibly with simple markup. The form supports Ajax-powered submitting, CAPTCHA, Akismet spam filtering and so on.

**Note: Contact Form 7's CAPTCHA module has been separated as [Really Simple CAPTCHA]( plugin. Now you need to install it if you use CAPTCHA. If you don't, you can use as in the past.**

Since being published in August 2007, Contact Form 7 has been translated into a number of languages. Our thanks and appreciation must go to the following for their contributions:

* Albanian (sq) - [Olgi Zenullari](
* Arabic (ar) - [Tarek Chaaban]( and Muhammed Lardi
* Bangla (bn_BD) - [SM Mehdi Akram](
* Bosnian (bs) - [Vedran](
* Brazilian Portuguese (pt_BR) - [Leonardo Pinheiro]( (updated by [Henrique Vianna](
* Bulgarian (bg_BG) - [Iliyan Darganov](
* Catalan (ca_ES) - [Jordi Sancho](
* Chinese, Simplified (zh_CN) - [Soz](
* Chinese, Traditional (zh_TW) - [James Wu](
* Croatian (hr) - [tolingo Translation Services](
* Czech (cs_CZ) - Korry
* Danish (da_DK) - [Jens Griebel]( (updated by [Georg S. Adamsen](
* Dutch (nl_NL) - [Chris Devriese]( (updated by [Martin Hein](
* Estonian (et) - [Peeter Rahuvarm](
* Finnish (fi) - [Miika Turunen](
* French (fr_FR) - [Jillij]( (updated by [Maître Mô](
* Georgian (ka_GE) - [Nodar Davituri](
* German (de_DE) - [Marcel Spitau]( (updated by [Ivan Graf](
* Greek (el) - [Nick Mouratidis]( (updated by [Pr. friedlich](
* Hebrew (he_IL) - [Yaron Ofer](
* Hindi (hi_IN) - [Tarun Joshi](
* Hungarian (hu_HU) - [Andras Hirschler](
* Indonesian (id_ID) - [Hendry Lee](
* Italian (it_IT) - [Bruno]( (updated by [Gianni Diurno](
* Japanese (ja) - [Takayuki Miyoshi]( (plugin author)
* Korean (ko_KR) - Seong Eun Lee (updated by [Jong-In Kim](
* Latvian (lv) - [Sandis Veinbergs](
* Norwegian (nb_NO) - Kjetil M. Bergem
* Persian (Farsi; fa_IR) - [Mohammad Musavi](
* Polish (pl_PL) - [Zbigniew Czernik](
* Portuguese (pt_PT) - [Hugo Baeta](
* Russian (ru_RU) - [Dmitry Volotovich](
* Romanian (ro_RO) - [Stas Sushkov](
* Serbian (sr_RS) - [Vedran](
* Slovak (sk) - [Patrik Bóna](
* Slovene (sl_SI) - [Mihael Simonič](
* Spanish (es_ES) - [Jordi Sancho](
(updated by [Vladimir Prieto](, [Federico Mikaelian]( and [Matias Baldanza](
* Swedish (sv_SE) - [Fredrik Jonsson]( (updated by [the Swedish community](
* Turkish (tr_TR) - [Roman Neumuller]( (updated by [Hasan Yılmaz](
* Ukrainian (uk_UA) - [Andrey Kovba](
* Vietnamese (vi) - Thanh Hải, Hà

If you have created your own language pack, or have an update of an existing one, you can send [gettext .po and .mo files]( to me so that I can bundle it into Contact Form 7.

== Installation ==

1. Upload the entire `contact-form-7` folder to the `/wp-content/plugins/` directory.
1. Activate the plugin through the 'Plugins' menu in WordPress.

You will find 'Contact' menu in your WordPress admin panel.

For basic usage, you can also have a look at the [plugin homepage]( and [FAQ](

== Frequently Asked Questions ==

Please see [FAQ](

If you have any further questions,
please submit them [to the support forum](

Attention: [Check your site before reporting trouble, please!](

== Screenshots ==

1. screenshot-1.png

== Changelog ==

[See change logs in author's blog.](

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