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Vue 3 + Vite + vite-setup.cmd

  This template should help get you started developing with Vue 3 in Vite. The template uses Vue 3 <script setup> SFCs, check out the script setup docs to learn more. It is designed to be cloned from the command line by the vite-setup.cmd script.   The vite-setup.cmd script will download this file from Github and install all the dependencies. It will also add a remote repo for your new project and push it to Github. The added benefit of using vite-setup is that the eslintrc.js & prettierrc.js config files are also downloaded and configured with standard defaults.

Setting up environment variables for project w/Vite

Create a file named .env.local in root of project. Add the following to the file:


The env variables can be accessed in the code with the special Vite object import.meta.env. So here we define a config object as

const config = {
  domain: import.meta.env.VITE_AUTH0_DOMAIN,
  client_id: import.meta.env.VITE_AUTH0_CLIENT_ID,

Now config.domain will contain the Auth0 domain to use in the component.

Note - The env.local file is never backed up to github on a commit because of the .gitignore entry. So remember you must add the .env.local file yourself on each computer that you work on this project with.

vite-setup.cmd requirements

  Github CLI (e.g.,gh) is GitHub on the command line. It brings pull requests, issues, and other GitHub concepts to the terminal next to where you are already working with git and your code. It enables us to create a remote repo of the cloned vite project. This is done in the vite-setup script so you dont have to create a remote repo of your new project yourself.

  The easiest way to install gh is thru chocolaty. At admin command line issue -

choco install gh

  We also use the npm-check-updates to update all packages to latest versions for each new project. Unfortunately as of this writing we also have to run npm install vue@next seperately to insure latest version of vue is installed for the new project.

Google Sheets Key


Vue app for HS scrap stored on Google sheets






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