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Code for "HyperRecon: Computing Multiple Image Reconstructions with a Single Hypernetwork"

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HyperRecon: Computing Multiple Image Reconstructions with a Single Hypernetwork

HyperRecon is a method for producing multiple reconstructions corresponding to different loss functions with a single model. Network architecture

It can also serve as a general purpose library for learning-based image reconstruction. Current forward models supported are compressed sensing MRI (CS-MRI), superresolution, and denoising.



This code was tested on:

  • python 3.7.10
  • pytorch 1.4.0
  • numpy 1.19.2

Note that in recent versions of Pytorch (e.g. 1.10), the function torch.fft() has been deprecated and has been moved to torch.fft.fft(), as well as other changes (e.g. outputting complex types instead of 2-channel). Additionally, we found that BatchConv2d runs nearly 2x slower in later versions of Pytorch.


The hypernetwork model is located in hyperrecon/model/

To use a hypernetwork in your own model, replace a given Conv2d layer with hyperrecon/model/layers/BatchConv2d layer. The forward call takes as input the feature maps and the output of the hypernetwork.


The code provides an Arr class which loads a numpy array for use in a dataset. The paths to the train dataset and test dataset can be provided by the --train_path and --test_path flags. Dataset shapes are expected to be [num_imgs, 1, l, w]. More sophisticated dataloaders can be integrated by changing the get_dataloader function in hyperrecon/util/ accordingly.


To run the code with default parameters, a bash script is provided:


This script assumes the data is of shape (256, 256) in order to match the shapes of provided under-sampling masks. If your data has a different size, then specify the path to the under-sampling mask in the --mask_path flag.

Here are some detailed options for each flag:

python -u \
  --models_dir out/
  --train_path ... \
  --test_path ... \
  --mask_path data/poisson_disk_8p3_256_256.npy
  -fp uhs_l1_ssim \
  --log_interval 25 \
  --image_dims 256 256 \
  --lr 0.001 \
  --batch_size 32 \
  --num_epochs 100 \
  --arch hyperunet \                    # Specifies architecture, can be one of [hyperunet or unet]
  --hnet_hdim 128 \                     # Specifies hypernetwork hidden dimension
  --unet_hdim 32 \                      # Specifies main Unet hidden channel dimension
  --forward_type csmri \                # Specifies forward model, can be one of [csmri, superresolution, denoising]
  --undersampling_rate $RATE \          # Specifies under-sampling rate of mask for CS-MRI
  --loss_list l1 ssim \                 # Specifies losses
  --method base_train \                 # Specifies training strategy, can be one of [base_train, dhs]
  --distribution uniform                # Specifies sampling distribution for hyperparameter, can be one of [uniform, uniform_oversample, constant]

HyperRecon Papers

If you use HyperRecon or some part of the code, please cite:

Regularization-Agnostic Compressed Sensing MRI Reconstruction with Hypernetworks
Machine Learning for Medical Image Reconstruction @ MICCAI, 2020
Alan Q. Wang, Adrian V. Dalca, Mert R. Sabuncu.

Computing Multiple Image Reconstructions witha Single Hypernetwork
Machine Learning for Biomedical Imaging (MELBA) Journal
Alan Q. Wang, Adrian V. Dalca, Mert R. Sabuncu.


Code for "HyperRecon: Computing Multiple Image Reconstructions with a Single Hypernetwork"






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