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Virtualizing LSW

You must install [podman]( first, at least version 4.3.1 On a mac I use MacPorts

sudo port install podman

Initialize the podman machine

If you already have a podman virtual machine, delete it with

podman machine rm podman-machine-default


make init

This starts up a podman machine with more oomph than the default: 16G ram and 8 CPUs, "rootful"

You will need to start up a podman machine, and again each time you reboot:

podman machine start

Build the image

make build

Takes a few minutes

Run the image

To run LSW and interact with a repl

make run

You will be put into a shell. Run ./lsw and wait for the prompt.


Checkpoint saves the state of a running LSW. In a separate shell (not the one running LSW)

make checkpoint

This will quit the running LSW

Resume a checkpoint

make resume

Hit return to get the repl prompt.

Start over

Assuming you aren't running the container,

podman container prune 

This will delete the checkpoint.

Instructions below are out of date

Will be updated once I verify I can run slime

Inside emacs

To run LSW from docker image inside your local emacs:

(setq slime-docker-implementations '((lsw ("/home/lsw/repos/lsw2/bin/lsw") :image-name "lsw2/lisp")))
  • add slime-tramp as one of your slime-contribs

Run it with M-x slime-docker

This is relatively new tech for me. Please contact me if try but have trouble with these instructions.


    brew install socat
    socat TCP-LISTEN:6000,reuseaddr,fork UNIX-CLIENT:\"$DISPLAY\"&  # (do that only once per login session)

in .emacs

(setq slime-docker-implementations `((lsw ("/home/lsw/repos/lsw2/bin/lsw") :image-name "lsw2/lisp" :env (("DISPLAY" . ,(concat (get-ip-address) ":0"))))))

I added the below definition of get-ip-address to my .emacs, which seems to work. YMMV

(defun get-ip-address ()
   (substring (shell-command-to-string
       "ifconfig | grep 'inet ' | grep -v | head -1 | sed 's/.*inet \\(\\([0-9\\.]\\)*\\).*/\\1/'")
	     0 -1))

Of note

The CRaC (Coordinated Restore at Checkpoint) Project researches coordination of Java programs with mechanisms to checkpoint (make an image of, snapshot) a Java instance while it is executing. Restoring from the image could be a solution to some of the problems with the start-up and warm-up times. The primary aim of the Project is to develop a new standard mechanism-agnostic API to notify Java programs about the checkpoint and restore events. Other research activities will include, but will not be limited to, integration with existing checkpoint/restore mechanisms and development of new ones, changes to JVM and JDK to make images smaller and ensure they are correct.