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Image Captioning Project

Accomplished as a required project for Udacity Computer Vision Nanodegree

Project Overview

This is the second project of the Udacity Computer Vision course. In this project, I used 1 layer GRU (Gated Recurrent Units) to generate captions for Coco dataset images.

*The jupyter notebooks for the project submission are also included. The files are: *

Notebook 1 : Loading and Visualizing the Data

Notebook 2 : Preliminaries to learn how the tokenizer works and how vocabulary sizes matters.

Notebook 3 : Train the RNN model

Notebook 4 : Use the trained model to generate captions for test images

Local Environment Instructions

  1. Clone the repository, and navigate to the downloaded folder. This may take a minute or two to clone due to the included image data.
git clone
cd image_captioning
  1. Create (and activate) a new environment named cv-nd with all the required packages, run the 'create_and_set_environment.bat' file. If prompted to proceed with the install (Proceed [y]/n) type y.
proceeed with [y]

### Environemnt
The bat file will create a conda environment usinf python 3.6 with the required pip and 
conda packages specified in the requirement files in /requirements subdirectory.

Setting up CocoAPI and downloading Coco dataset

  1. Clone this repo:
git clone  
  1. Setup the coco API (also described in the readme here)
cd cocoapi/PythonAPI  
cd ..
  1. Download some specific data from here: (described below)
  • Under Annotations, download:

    • 2014 Train/Val annotations [241MB] (extract captions_train2014.json and captions_val2014.json, and place at locations cocoapi/annotations/captions_train2014.json and cocoapi/annotations/captions_val2014.json, respectively)
    • 2014 Testing Image info [1MB] (extract image_info_test2014.json and place at location cocoapi/annotations/image_info_test2014.json)
  • Under Images, download:

    • 2014 Train images [83K/13GB] (extract the train2014 folder and place at location cocoapi/images/train2014/)
    • 2014 Val images [41K/6GB] (extract the val2014 folder and place at location cocoapi/images/val2014/)
    • 2014 Test images [41K/6GB] (extract the test2014 folder and place at location cocoapi/images/test2014/)

Run the notebooks

  1. Open the directory of notebooks, run the 'run_notebook.bat' file. This file will activate the conda environment cv-nd and open the notebook in the browser. Open the notebooks and follow the instructions.
