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This is a game created during a 24 hour hackathon over the weekend of July 19th-20th. I used Unreal Engine 4 and the VaRest plugin for REST API integration. This is more of a proof of concept than anything else. It shows how easily one can implement calls to REST API's and take action based on the response. I have removed my API keys from the application before uploading to GitHub, so there are a couple of steps one would need to take before this code will work.

Unreal Engine 4 Editor access (obviously?)
Best Buy developer portal access to get your own API key
...and that should be about it.

Everything is implemented in Blueprint, so there is no code to touch directly. To get this working, the Spawn Volume and Category blueprints will need to be edited. There is a variable named APIKey in each one. The proper entry will read:
&apiKey=[your api key]
without the []'s. Just so we are clear, if your API key is 1234, you would put &apiKey=1234 in the default text of both variables. This will allow your game to communicate with the Best Buy system and return the results properly.

Before you point out the inconsistencies or things that should have been done differently... yes, I know :) There are many ways I could have optimized this, and many things that should have been implemented in a better way. If I would have had more time to work on it, some of those may have been completed. There are many inconsistencies in how things are implemented or called, mostly because I was trying out different methods to achieve the same purpose. As I said, this was a proof of concept and so I was doing a bit of experimenting.

That said, I want to give much thanks to the awesome ufna for creating the plugin that made this possible. The VaRest plugin allowed me to call REST API's and decode the JSON response through Blueprint! It was the only way I was able to get this up and working in such a short time.


Hack Midwest 2014 entry







No releases published
