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Horus 14 "The Core"

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@alash3al alash3al released this 01 Jul 14:33
· 21 commits to master since this release

Horus 14 "Core"

Horus 14 is a new version of Horus Framework, this version has been build from scratch to be up-to-date with my new simplicity and also to use the latest PHP7 features .

Quick Overview


    // load Core "Horus14"
    require "Horus.php";

    (new Horus)->on("/", function(){
        // the first param is an array of key => value
        // for the header field => value
        // the value may be an array "will be appended"
        // the second param "optional" to set the response status code .
            "x-powered-by" => "Horus/15"
        ], 200);
        echo "Hello World";

API Summary


    require "Horus.php";

    // Initialize Horus with optional configurations
    $app = new Horus([
        // Force all urls/cookies to be secured "https"
        // Note, Horus will try to detect whether the request is done over 
        // https or not, but this will force it to be yes or no 
        // "just if you need"
        "secure" => true,

        // Force horus to generate routes with "/index.php/" in urls
        // this settings is only if your server doesn't support
        // url rewriting
        "index" => "/index.php/"

    // See the following examples for the usage of the router
    // handle a request that needs the see "Hello GET" to be displayed
    // under only GET method
    $app->on("GET /test", function(){
        echo "Hello GET";

    // Display Hello JSON just for a POST request
    $app->on("POST /json", function(){
        $this->header(["content-type" => "application/json"]);
        echo json_encode([
            "message" => "Hello JSON"

    // named params ?
    $app->on("/post/([a-z]+)/([0-9]+)", function($word, $num){
        echo $word . " : " . $num;

    // group routes ?
    $app->group("/api/", function(){
        $this->on("POST /post/", function(){
            // ...

    // display php templates,
    // and also pass some vars as its context
    $var = "test";
    $app->tpl("tpl.php", ["var1" => $var]);

    // but i need to get the tpl as string,
    // don't display !
    $var = "test";
    $app->tpl("tpl.php", ["var1" => $var], true);

    // access the configs
    // you can also create/access anything inside horus
    // because it extends stdClass and adds __call() to it

    // callback
    $app->func = function(){
        // your can access horus using
        // $this from here too !
        echo "ok";

    // call it

    // check whether the request is under https or not
    // it will consider the request secure if you forced it 
    // from the configurations

    // i need to get full url for "/assets/css/style.css"

    // it will return a url with scheme "http or https" and hostname
    // if you want to change the host ?
    // also if you want to change the scheme from http to https "secure"
    // the last param is for secure or not "https or not"
    // the last param will be automatically set for you using
    // $app->secure()
    $app->url("/assets/css/style.css", "my.domain", false);

    // but if you want to get a url to an internal route ?
    // just change the ->url to ->route
    // also you can change the resulting host and scheme "secure or not"
    $app->route("/post/", "my.domain", false);

    // get Horus instance ?

    // how about autoloads ?
    // now play with your libraries !
    // or multiples sources:
    $app->autoload(["./vendor", "./components"]);