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Folders and files

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Repository files navigation

Ruby HTTP framework for reliable, concurrent and scalable applications


Rubidium is an HTTP framework focused on a hierarchical and intuitive resource fetching model where each file is renderer based on its kind. This model allows a maintainable server structure and an abstracted file rendering process.

Standard services and utilities

  • Server, it abstracts the process of comunication with clients and uses the middleware
  • Renderer, it's in charge of selecting a rederer for the request file and process it
  • File Cache, it reads the files from the hard disk and keep them in memory
  • Router, it maps the tracked folders and translates the http route into a file in disk
  • SQL Database Connector (currently PostgreSQL Connnector), it provides multiple connections to one database and handles sql queries

Those processes can comunicate among them using primitives exposed to the aplication with an unique name. The application module support launching processes from any of the services, besides its allows including services at the beggining of the application extending its functionalities.

How to use it?

Clone the project

git clone

Launch it using rake

rake run

All the servicies and utilities are loaded into the application at main.rb

Public files served by the application server are located at public folder

If you notice the lack of a renderer or want a custom one, add it to the renderers folder and use it at the Renderer in the main application file for an extension

Features already included

  • Routing system of mounted folders like ./public and ./exposed/pwa
  • PostgreSQL database connection and queries
  • Template rendering
  • Ruby HTTP Controllers
  • Session cookie
  • Error handlers and redirections
  • Early PWA support
  • Configuration folder system called Vault
  • Cache layers for fast response to parameterized requests
  • Custom Web Components fully written in Ruby with Opal


Ruby HTTP framework for reliable, scalable and concurrent applications







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