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Command Line Options

Alberto Goffi edited this page Mar 16, 2017 · 7 revisions

This documentation might be outdated. Please refer to this document for the most updated version that describes the current behavior.

Toradocu Command Line Options

Options marked with an asterisk (*) are mandatory.

General Options

Option Description
--target-class * Fully-qualified name of the class for which Toradocu has to generate test oracles.
--source-dir * Directory containing source files of the system under test (the system that includes the target class).
--class-dir * Directory containing binary files of the system under test (the system that includes the target class).
--stats-file File path where to save Toradocu statistics in CSV format.
--silent Do not produce any output if there is no translated comment.
--help -h Print the list of available options.
--debug Enable fine-grained logging.

Javadoc Extractor Options

Option Description
--javadoc-extractor-output File path where to save the Javadoc extractor output in JSON format.
-J Toradocu relies on the javadoc tool to extract Javadoc comments from the source code. All the options of the javadoc tool can be used with Toradocu. Each option must be preceded by -J. For example, to use the javadoc option -noindex execute Toradocu with the option -J-noindex.

Condition Translator Options

Option Description
--condition-translation [true/false] Enable/disable the translation of the Javadoc comments. Default value: true.
--distance-threshold Only code elements with edit distance less than this threshold will be considered candidates for translation. Must be a positive integer number. Default value: 2.
--word-removal-cost Cost of a single word deletion in the edit distance algorithm. Must be a positive integer number. Default value: 1.
--remove-commas Remove commas before a Javadoc comment text is parsed. Default value: true.
--condition-translator-input File path to JSON file to be read as input of the condition translator. This option disables the Javadoc extractor.
--condition-translator-output File path where to save the condition translator output in JSON format. If not provided the result of the condition translation phase is printed on the standard output.
--expected-output Condition translator goal output file (in JSON format) used to compute Toradocu precision and recall.
--tcomment Instead of the standard Toradocu's condition translator, use @tComment as translation algorithm for translating the Javadoc comments.
--export-conditions Export generated Java boolean conditions into a Java class that is stored in the specified directory.

Oracle Generator Options

Option Description
--oracle-generation [true/false] Enable/disable the generation of the aspectJ aspects. Default value: true.
--test-class Fully-qualified name of the class (your test suite) that will be instrumented with aspects. If the oracle generator is enabled, you have to provide a valid value for this option.
--aspects-output-dir Directory path where to save the generated aspects. Default value: aspects.