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Create interactive text-based interfaces from simple YAML blueprints


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Nacar is a tool for creating interactive text-based interfaces from simple user-defined blueprints.
Say goodbye to remembering long, arcane shell commands!

Nacar showcase

Above: a Nacar YAML blueprint (left) and the resulting bash Nacar app running in the terminal (right).

You write a blueprint as a single YAML file, specifying the options and commands that should appear on each screen. Add links between screens for fluid keyboard-based navigation. Nacar will take that blueprint and produce a self-contained bash script containing your interface.

Both locally and on the server Nacar shines at creating management and health-check utilities that provide easy access to common tasks.

python3.7 test coverage PEP8 compliance mypy validity version

Install & run

  1. Clone the repo.
  2. Write a Nacar blueprint - you can use blueprint.example.yml as a template.
  3. Create & activate a virtual environment: python3 -m venv venv && source venv/bin/activate
  4. Install dependencies: pip3 install -r requirements/common.txt
  5. Add the current directory to the PYTHONPATH with export PYTHONPATH="$PWD"
  6. Run python3 nacar/ <path-to-your-blueprint>.yml

A bash Nacar app will have been created in the same directory as your blueprint. You can run this like any other bash script.


Nacar is written in Python 3. It includes type annotations that are checked with mypy and is linted with pycodestyle to ensure PEP8 compliance.
If you wish to make changes to Nacar itself, read the Project Structure section below for details on how the code is structured.

Install the pre-commit git hook provided under /hooks/ to have the following steps performed before each commit:

  • Checking type annotations with mypy.
  • Lint in accordance with PEP8 with pycodestyle.
  • Run the full test suite.
  • Update test result and version badges in the README.

You may also manually invoke the script to perform the above checks at any time.

Check the feature roadmap to see planned & in-progress improvements to Nacar.


A suite of unit & integration tests is held under /tests/. To run it, install the dev requirements as detailed above and run pytest from the project root.
Read more about how tests are structured, available fixtures & test data, and running tests from PyCharm.

Project Structure


Python dependencies are defined by two files in the requirements directory and can be installed using pip.
common.txt defines the requirements necessary both for development and runtime, namely PyYAML for parsing YAML files and Cerberus for schema validation.
dev.txt defines packages necessary only for development tasks, such as linting and checking types.

Application Entrypoint

The module is the script's entrypoint when it is run from the command line. It is responsible for running initial checks, and orchestrating the core functionalities such as reading YAML blueprints, parsing them into an in-memory representation, validating the blueprint, translating to the target language, and persisting the result to a file.

Read more about Nacar's entrypoint.

Filesystem operations

The file_io module parses YAML files as input and writes in-memory representations of Nacar apps out as executable files. It is responsible for interacting with the filesystem, setting permissions on resulting apps, and handling any I/O exceptions.

Read more about reading from and writing to files.

Blueprint Schema & Validator

The schema module defines the rules used for validating parsed blueprints.
Nacar's validator module verifies that the parsed blueprint will be correctly interpreted by a Translator (see below). It is built on top of the Cerberus validator, checking the uniqueness of screen names, avoiding screens linking to themselves, and that 'link' directives point to existing screens.

Read more about the blueprint Schema & Validator.


Translators are packages that take a Python object (previously parsed from a YAML blueprint) and turn it into a Nacar application written in a target language such as Bash. Translators live in the translate package along with an interface that defines the methods a translator should implement.

Read more about Translators.

What's in a name?
Nácar means 'mother of pearl' in Spanish. This name reflects the tool's aim to make interacting with the shell smoother and more beautiful.

Copyright 2022 Alberto Morón Hernández
This software is provided as open-source under the MIT License.


Create interactive text-based interfaces from simple YAML blueprints





