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Maven Central Build Known Vulnerabilities


Unpacker for Microsoft EXEPACK utility compressor.

EXEPACK layout

|      EXEPACK HEADER      |
|      UNPACKER  STUB      |
|       Error string       |
| "Packed file is corrupt" |

EXEPACK header

Header format:

+ 0x00 : REAL_IP       [WORD]  // Original initial IP value
+ 0x02 : REAL_CS       [WORD]  // Original initial (relative) CS value
+ 0x04 : MEM_START     [WORD]  // Start of executable in memory : not used by the unpacker
+ 0x06 : EXEPACK_SIZE  [WORD]  // sizeof (EXEPACK HEADER) + unpacker stub length + strlen(ERROR_STRING) + relocation table length
+ 0x08 : REAL_SP       [WORD]  // Original initial SP value
+ 0x0A : REAL_SS       [WORD]  // Original initial (relative) SS value
+ 0x0C : DEST_LEN      [WORD]  // Unpacked data length (in paragraphs)
+ 0x0E : SKIP_LEN      [WORD]  // field only present in specific version of EXEPACK : not used by the unpacker
+ 0x10 : SIGNATURE     [WORD]  // Magic number "RB"


EXEPACK employs a fairly basic run-length encoding, commands are encoded on bits 1-7 (mask 0xFE).

  • Command 0xB0, write LENGTH bytes with VALUE.
  • Command 0xB2, copy the next LENGTH bytes

Relocation table

Relocation table is optimized too, for each segment (0-15), there is the following layout, where entry is relative to the start of the exe in memory.

+ 0x00 : NB_ENTRIES    [WORD]
+ 0x02 : ENTRY         [WORD] * NB_ENTRIES


Maven Central


Command line

unexepack <EXEPACK_file> [OUTPUT_FILE]
    default output file is "unpacked"

EXEPACK_file : Specifies the input file to unpack

OUTPUT_FILE : Specifies the output file to which the unpacked executable results will be written to. Defaults to 'unpacked'.


If you are wondering if an game/executable is using EXEPACK, a list of EXEPACK executable is available here.

This list is based on the awesome Total DOS Collection Release 14 archive, thanks to the authors!
