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File metadata and controls

95 lines (78 loc) · 3.29 KB


observations is a python module for dealing with skyglow observation files. The standard is described at At the moment this module deals with SQM data. Specifically it takes the observation file, extracts the location and times and can then produce new observation files for:

  • when the sun and moon are below a certain altitude
  • from 2300 to 0100 local time when the sun and moon are below a certain altitude

Installation and usage

You'll need pandas and ephem installed to use this.

On windows I'd suggest using anaconda. On unix-likes, pip install pandas ephem

Copy the file and include it or run the command

Command line

$  -h
usage: [-h] -i INFILE (-d | -t) [-m MINMOON] [-s MINSUN] [-o OUTFILE]

SQM datafile processing.

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -i INFILE             Input logfile
  -d                    output only the rows where the Sun is below minsun and
                        the Moon below minmoon
  -t                    output only the rows an hour either side of the solar
                        midnight (the solar antitransit time for that night)
  -m MINMOON, --minmoon MINMOON
                        Minimum altitude of the Moon in degress relaive to the
                        horizon to consider for --dark. (Default: -10)
  -s MINSUN, --minsun MINSUN
                        Minimum altitude of the Sun in degress relaive to the
                        horizon to consider for --dark. (Default: -18)
  -o OUTFILE, --outfile OUTFILE
                        File to write output to. (Default: stdout).

As a module

include observations

Reading an observation file

SQM = observations.Datafile()"20190227_155001_.dat")

Computing the sun and moon altitude for each row

SQM = observations.Datafile()"20190227_155001_.dat")

Reducing the data

To get just the rows when the Sun is below -18 degrees and the Moon is below -7 degrees and write that to a new file we can do:

SQM.reduce_dark(sunlow=-18, moonlow=-10)

This will also add a comment in the header listing the 5% and 95% percentile SQM readings

To further get the data an hour either side of local midnight as this is a relatively stable portion of the night we can do:


What this is actually doing is computing the solar antitransit time for that night (pyemphem: ephem.Observer().next_antitransit(ephem.Sun()).datetime()) and using that as the midnight value. So this will vary over the year.

Additional usage

compute(), reduce_midnight() and reduce_dark() return pandas DataFrames.

This allows you to pandas type things like say plot the SQM reading with sun and moon altitude:

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

df = SQM.reduce_dark(sunlow=-18, moonlow=-10)
df2 = df.set_index('UTCDate')[:100]
fig, ax = plt.subplots()
df2[['sunalt']].plot(ax=ax,style=".", secondary_y=True)
df2[['moonalt']].plot(ax=ax,style=".", secondary_y=True)
