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simple algo for finding eclipse icon
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albertz committed Nov 18, 2010
1 parent ad13756 commit 58afccf
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Showing 2 changed files with 268 additions and 0 deletions.
244 changes: 244 additions & 0 deletions
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@@ -0,0 +1,244 @@
#!/usr/bin/python -u

from glob import glob
import random
import cv
import sys
import heapq
from math import *
from itertools import *
from operator import *
from array import *

def subarea(rect, ix, iy, n):
n = float(n)
x1,y1,x2,y2 = rect
w = x2 - x1
h = y2 - y1
w /= n
h /= n
x1,y1 = x1 + ix*w, y1 + iy*h
x2,y2 = x1 + w, y2 + h
return (x1,y1,x2,y2)

def resizedImage(im, w, h):
newim = cv.CreateImage((w,h), cv.IPL_DEPTH_8U, im.channels)
interpol = cv.CV_INTER_CUBIC
#interpol = CV_INTER_LINEAR
#interpol = CV_INTER_AREA
cv.Resize(im, newim, interpol)
return newim

SubImageCache = dict()

def subImageScaled(im, rect, w, h):
if im == eclipseIcon:
cacheKey = (rect, w, h)
if cacheKey in SubImageCache: return SubImageCache[cacheKey]
cacheKey = None
if cv.GetSize(im) == (w,h): return im
rect = (rect[0], rect[1], rect[2]-rect[0], rect[3]-rect[1])
rect = tuple(map(int, rect))
cv.SetImageROI(im, rect)
resizedim = resizedImage(im, w, h)
if cacheKey: SubImageCache[cacheKey] = resizedim
return resizedim

def compareAreas(im1, rect1, im2, rect2):
n = 10
c = 0
im1 = subImageScaled(im1, rect1, n, n)
im2 = subImageScaled(im2, rect2, n, n)

values = []
for x in range(n):
for y in range(n):
c1 = cv.Get2D(im1, x, y)
c2 = cv.Get2D(im2, x, y)
#print x,",",y,":",c1,c2
if c2[0:3] == (255,255,255): continue
#weight = sum( (255 - c2[i]) / 255.0 for i in [0,1,2] ) / 3
values += [ sqrt( sum( [ (abs(c1[i] - c2[i]) / 255.0) ** 2 for i in [0,1,2] ] ) ) ]
#print values
return sqrt(sum([ x*x for x in values ]))
return sum(values) / len(values)

def compareAreasVariable(im1, rect1, im2):
step = 10
dx1 = 1
dx2 = 2
dy1 = 1
dy2 = 2
x1,y1 = dx1*step, dy1*step
x2,y2 = im2.width - x1, im2.height - y1
while step > 0:
values = []
for _x1 in xrange(max(x1 - dx1*step, 0), x1 + dx1*step+1, step):
for _y1 in xrange(max(y1 - dy1*step, 0), y1 + dy1*step+1, step):
for _x2 in xrange(x2 - dx2*step, min(x2 + dx2*step, im2.width)+1, step):
for _y2 in xrange(y2 - dy2*step, min(y2 + dy2*step,im2.height)+1, step):
values += [ (compareAreas(im1, rect1, im2, (_x1,_y1,_x2,_y2)), (_x1,_y1,_x2,_y2)) ]
value, (x1,y1,x2,y2) = min(values)
step -= 2
return value, (x1,y1,x2,y2)

def showImage(im, rect = None, wait = True, window = "icon"):
if rect:
rect = (rect[0], rect[1], rect[2]-rect[0], rect[3]-rect[1])
cv.SetImageROI(im, rect)
imcopy = cv.CloneImage(im)
imcopy = im
cv.ShowImage(window, imcopy)
cv.SetImageROI(im, (0,0,im.width,im.height))
if wait:
key = cv.WaitKey(0)
key = cv.WaitKey(1)
if key == ord('q'): quit()

eclipseIcon = cv.LoadImage("eclipse-icon.png", cv.CV_LOAD_IMAGE_UNCHANGED)
eclipseFullRect = (0,0,eclipseIcon.width,eclipseIcon.height)

def middleRect(r, scale = 0.5):
x1,y1,x2,y2 = r
w = x2 - x1
h = y2 - y1
scale = (1.0 - scale) / 2.0
x1 += w * scale
x2 -= w * scale
y1 += h * scale
y2 -= h * scale
return (x1,y1,x2,y2)

def subSquareRect(r):
x1,y1,x2,y2 = r
w = x2 - x1
h = y2 - y1
if w < h:
return (x1, y1 + (h - w)/2, x2, y2 - (h - w)/2)
return (x1 + (w - h)/2, y1, x2 - (w - h)/2, y2)

W = 4
H = 4
eclipseFingerPrint = subImageScaled(eclipseIcon, middleRect(subSquareRect(eclipseFullRect), 0.3), W, H)

def bestNMatches__manuel(im, n = 100):
DockSize = 200
def subRects(rect):
x1,y1,x2,y2 = rect
for _x1 in xrange(x1, x2 - W, W/2):
for _y1 in xrange(y1, y2 - H, H/2):
_x2 = _x1 + W
_y2 = _y1 + H
yield (_x1,_y1,_x2,_y2)
leftRect = (0,0,DockSize,im.height)
rightRect = (im.width-DockSize,0,im.width,im.height)
bottomRect = (DockSize,im.height-DockSize,im.width-DockSize,im.height)
allSubRects = chain( subRects(leftRect), subRects(rightRect), subRects(bottomRect) )

def match2(subrect, dx, dy):
values = []
for x in range(W):
for y in range(H):
c1 = cv.Get2D(im, subrect[0] + x, subrect[1] + y)
c2 = cv.Get2D(eclipseFingerPrint, (x + dx) % W, (y + dy) % H)
values += [ sqrt( sum( [ (abs(c1[i] - c2[i]) / 255.0) ** 2 for i in [0,1,2] ] ) ) ]
return sqrt(sum([ x*x for x in values ]))

def match(subrect):
return min(match2(subrect,dx,dy) for dx in range(W) for dy in range(H))

def matchRects(rects):
for r in rects:
yield (match(r),r)

nlargest = heapq.nlargest(n, matchRects(allSubRects))
return map(itemgetter(1), nlargest)

def bestNMatches(im, n = 100):
matchImage = cv.CreateImage((im.width-W+1,im.height-H+1), cv.IPL_DEPTH_32F, 1)
cv.MatchTemplate(im, eclipseFingerPrint, matchImage, cv.CV_TM_SQDIFF)

matches = array('f')
nlargest = heapq.nsmallest(n, zip(matches, xrange(matchImage.width * matchImage.height)))
rawPositions = map(itemgetter(1), nlargest)
positions = map(lambda i: (i % matchImage.width, i / matchImage.width), rawPositions)
rects = map(lambda (x,y): (x,y,x+W,y+H), positions)
return rects

def showImageWithRects(im, rects = []):
def draw_rects(im, rects, color = cv.RGB(0,255,0)):
for x1,y1,x2,y2 in rects:
cv.Rectangle(im, (int(x1),int(y1)), (int(x2),int(y2)),
color, 3, 8, 0)

imcopy = cv.CloneImage(im)
draw_rects(imcopy, rects)
#cv.NamedWindow('Screenshot', cv.CV_WINDOW_AUTOSIZE)
cv.ShowImage("Screenshot", imcopy)

if False:
showImageWithRects(resizedImage(eclipseFingerPrint, 100, 100))

def checkFile(f):
sys.stdout.write(f + " :")
im = cv.LoadImage(f)

matches = bestNMatches(im)
#print matches

showImageWithRects(im, matches)
if cv.WaitKey(0) == ord('q'): quit()

iconprobs = []
for iconrect in iconrects:
prob,eclipseRect = compareAreasVariable(im, iconrect, eclipseIcon)
iconprobs += [(prob,iconrect,eclipseRect)]
#print " ~:", prob, eclipseRect
#showImage(subImageScaled(im, iconrect, 200, 200), wait = False)
#showImage(resizedImage(diffImage(im, iconrect, eclipseIcon, eclipseRect), 200, 200), window = "diff")

iconprobmin,iconrect,eclipseRect = min(iconprobs)
if iconprobmin < 2: # 2 seems to be good :p (1.7634 mostly for eclipse)
print ": found with", iconprobmin, iconrect, eclipseRect
showImage(subImageScaled(im, iconrect, 200, 200), window = "diff")
print ": no eclipse (min is", iconprobmin, "at", iconrect, ")"

if __name__ == "__main__":
if len(sys.argv) <= 1:
#files = glob("*.png")
#files = glob("2010-10-*.png")
files = glob("2010-10-11.*.png") # bottom dock with eclipse
#files = glob("2010-10-28.*.png") # left dock with eclipse
files = sys.argv[1:]

for f in files: checkFile(f)

24 changes: 24 additions & 0 deletions
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -189,3 +189,27 @@ def __create_default_hist__hs():
hist = cv.CreateHist([h_bins, s_bins], cv.CV_HIST_ARRAY, ranges, 1)
return hist

def partition(list, left, right, pivotIndex):
pivotValue = list[pivotIndex]
list[pivotIndex], list[right] = list[right], list[pivotIndex] # Move pivot to end
storeIndex = left
for i in range(left, right):
if list[i] < pivotValue:
list[storeIndex], list[i] = list[i], list[storeIndex]
storeIndex += 1
list[right], list[storeIndex] = list[storeIndex], list[right] # Move pivot to its final place
return storeIndex

def quickfindFirstK(list, left, right, k):
if right > left:
# select pivotIndex between left and right
pivotIndex = (right - left) / 2
pivotNewIndex = partition(list, left, right, pivotIndex)
if pivotNewIndex > k: # new condition
quickfindFirstK(list, left, pivotNewIndex-1, k)
if pivotNewIndex < k: # questionable
quickfindFirstK(list, pivotNewIndex+1, right, k)

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