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VoxSDK is a comprehensive toolkit designed to facilitate easy integration of AI-driven speech recognition and synthesis into your applications. With a focus on simplicity and efficiency, VoxSDK offers a set of React hooks and utilities to seamlessly connect with AI services for voice interactions.


  • VoxProvider: A context provider to encapsulate the SDK's functionalities and make them accessible throughout your React application.
  • useListen: A hook to capture and transcribe user speech in real-time.
  • useSpeak: A hook for text-to-speech functionality, converting text responses into natural-sounding speech.


Install VoxSDK using npm:

npm install vox-sdk

Or using yarn:

yarn add vox-sdk

Install tslib.

Using npm

npm install tslib --save-dev

Using yarn

yarn add tslib -D


Server Setup

  • On your server, you will need to create a GET endpoint at /token.

  • Using the speech_key and region, you will generate an authorization token from Microsoft's APIs.

  • Set these values in the .env file as SPEECH_KEY and SPEECH_REGION.

  • The /token endpoint should return the following response:.

  • Here's a sample implementation of the /token endpoint.

import express from "express";
import cors from "cors";
import "dotenv/config";
import axios from "axios";

const app = express();

    origin: process.env.FRONTEND_URL,

let token = null;
const speechKey = process.env.SPEECH_KEY;
const speechRegion = process.env.SPEECH_REGION;

const getToken = async () => {
  try {
    const headers = {
      headers: {
        "Ocp-Apim-Subscription-Key": speechKey,
        "Content-Type": "application/x-www-form-urlencoded",

    const tokenResponse = await`https://${speechRegion}`, null, headers);

    token =;
  } catch (error) {
    console.error("Error while getting token:", error);

app.get("/token", async (req, res) => {
  try {
    res.setHeader("Content-Type", "application/json");

    // When client asks for refresh token
    const refreshTheToken = req.query?.refresh;

    if (!token || refreshTheToken) {
      await getToken();

      token: token,
      region: speechRegion,
  } catch (error) {
    console.error("Error while handling /token request:", error);
    res.status(500).send({ error: "An error occurred while processing your request." });

app.listen(8080, () => console.log("Server running on port 8080"));

Client Setup

  • Wrap your application with VoxProvider to make the SDK available throughout your app:

    import { VoxProvider } from "vox-sdk";
    function App() {
      return <VoxProvider>{/* Your app components go here */}</VoxProvider>;
    export default App;
  • VoxProvider expects config object which includes,

    1. baseUrl : url to your backend. e.g. :, Ensure that the /token route serves the token and region..

    2. OnAuthRefresh : A callback function that is invoked when any authentication error occurs or the token expires.

    3. headersForBaseUrl : Option to pass baseUrl Config.

  • Here's the implmentation of the above two step.

        baseUrl: "",
        onAuthRefresh: async () => {
          const { data } = await axios.get("");
          return { token: data.token, region: data.region };
        headersForBaseUrl: {
          //... Bearer Authentication token or other config
      <App />
  • The onAuthRefresh callback will refresh the token and return it with the region.

  • For more details you can visit here sample app implementation


Using useListen Hook

After setting up the Server and VoxProvider we are ready to use useListen and useSpeak.

Integrate speech-to-text functionality in your components:

import { useListen } from "vox-sdk";
import React from "react";
const SpeechToText = () => {
  const { answers, loading, startSpeechRecognition, stopSpeechRecognition } = useListen({
    onEndOfSpeech: () => {
    automatedEnd: true,
    delay: 1000,
  return (
      <button disabled={loading} onClick={startSpeechRecognition}>
        Start Litsening
      <button onClick={stopSpeechRecognition}> Stop Listening</button>

export default SpeechToText;

useListen hook expects following parameters.

  1. automatedEnd :

    • Expects a boolean value, default is true.
    • When the user finishes speaking, the hook will automatically start the speech-to-text conversion.
    • To listen continuously until the user clicks stopSpeechRecognition, pass false.
  2. delay :

    • Expects a value in milliseconds.
    • This is the debounce duration for listening to the user.
    • The default is set to 2000ms.
  3. onEndOfSpeech :

    • Expects a callback function that is invoked when speech ends.

useListen Hook Returns.

  1. startSpeechRecognition : Function to start speech recognition.
  2. stopSpeechRecognition : Function to stop speech recognition.
  3. answers : Returns an array of strings containing all the transcribed text.
  4. answer : The last transcribed text.
  5. recognizerRef : An instance of microsoft-cognitiveservices-speech-sdk.

Using useSpeak Hook

Implement text-to-speech in your application:

import React from "react";
import { useState } from "react";
import { useSpeak, SpeechVoices } from "vox-sdk";
const TextToSpeech = () => {
  const [text, setText] = useState("");
  const { interruptSpeech, speak, isSpeaking } = useSpeak({
    onEnd: () => {
      console.log("Spech ended");
    shouldCallOnEnd: true,
    throttleDelay: 1000,

    voice: SpeechVoices.enUSAIGenerate1Neural, // AI Voices


  return (
      <h3>Text To Speech</h3>
      <input type="text" onChange={(e) => setText(} value={text} />
        onClick={() => {
        Start Speaking
        onClick={() => {
        Stop Speaking

export default TextToSpeech;

useSpeak hook expects following parameters.

  1. voice :

    • Expects a string value.

    • Choose your preferred AI voice from Microsoft Azure.

    • Here's the list of available voices.

      export enum SpeechVoices {
        // Arabic
        arAEFatimaNeural = "ar-AE-FatimaNeural",
        arBHAliNeural = "ar-BH-AliNeural",
        arEGSalmaNeural = "ar-EG-SalmaNeural",
        arJOTaimNeural = "ar-JO-TaimNeural",
        arKWFahedNeural = "ar-KW-FahedNeural",
        arLYImanNeural = "ar-LY-ImanNeural",
        arQAAmalNeural = "ar-QA-AmalNeural",
        arSAHamedNeural = "ar-SA-HamedNeural",
        arSYAmanyNeural = "ar-SY-AmanyNeural",
        arTNHediNeural = "ar-TN-HediNeural",
        arYEMaryamNeural = "ar-YE-MaryamNeural",
        // Chinese
        zhCNXiaoxiaoNeural = "zh-CN-XiaoxiaoNeural",
        zhCNYunxiNeural = "zh-CN-YunxiNeural",
        zhCNYunyeNeural = "zh-CN-YunyeNeural",
        zhHKHiuGaaiNeural = "zh-HK-HiuGaaiNeural",
        zhHKHiuMaanNeural = "zh-HK-HiuMaanNeural",
        zhTWHsiaoChenNeural = "zh-TW-HsiaoChenNeural",
        zhTWHsiaoYuNeural = "zh-TW-HsiaoYuNeural",
        // Danish
        daDKChristelNeural = "da-DK-ChristelNeural",
        daDKJeppeNeural = "da-DK-JeppeNeural",
        // Dutch
        nlBEArnaudNeural = "nl-BE-ArnaudNeural",
        nlBEDenaNeural = "nl-BE-DenaNeural",
        nlNLColetteNeural = "nl-NL-ColetteNeural",
        nlNLFennaNeural = "nl-NL-FennaNeural",
        // English (Australia)
        enAUNatashaNeural = "en-AU-NatashaNeural",
        enAUWilliamNeural = "en-AU-WilliamNeural",
        // English (Canada)
        enCAClaraNeural = "en-CA-ClaraNeural",
        enCALiamNeural = "en-CA-LiamNeural",
        // English (India)
        enINNeerjaNeural = "en-IN-NeerjaNeural",
        enINPrabhatNeural = "en-IN-PrabhatNeural",
        // English (UK)
        enGBLibbyNeural = "en-GB-LibbyNeural",
        enGBRyanNeural = "en-GB-RyanNeural",
        // English (US)
        enUSAIGenerate1Neural = "en-US-AIGenerate1Neural",
        enUSAmberNeural = "en-US-AmberNeural",
        enUSAriaNeural = "en-US-AriaNeural",
        enUSAshleyNeural = "en-US-AshleyNeural",
        enUSBrandonNeural = "en-US-BrandonNeural",
        enUSChristopherNeural = "en-US-ChristopherNeural",
        enUSCoraNeural = "en-US-CoraNeural",
        enUSDavisNeural = "en-US-DavisNeural",
        enUSElizabethNeural = "en-US-ElizabethNeural",
        enUSEricNeural = "en-US-EricNeural",
        enUSGuyNeural = "en-US-GuyNeural",
        enUSJacobNeural = "en-US-JacobNeural",
        enUSJasonNeural = "en-US-JasonNeural",
        enUSJennyNeural = "en-US-JennyNeural",
        enUSMichelleNeural = "en-US-MichelleNeural",
        enUSMonicaNeural = "en-US-MonicaNeural",
        enUSSaraNeural = "en-US-SaraNeural",
        enUSTonyNeural = "en-US-TonyNeural",
        // Finnish
        fiFINooraNeural = "fi-FI-NooraNeural",
        fiFISelmaNeural = "fi-FI-SelmaNeural",
        // French (Canada)
        frCADiegoNeural = "fr-CA-DiegoNeural",
        frCAFelixNeural = "fr-CA-FelixNeural",
        frCAJeanNeural = "fr-CA-JeanNeural",
        frCASylvieNeural = "fr-CA-SylvieNeural",
        // French (France)
        frFRDeniseNeural = "fr-FR-DeniseNeural",
        frFREloiseNeural = "fr-FR-EloiseNeural",
        frFRHenriNeural = "fr-FR-HenriNeural",
        // German
        deDEKatjaNeural = "de-DE-KatjaNeural",
        deDEKillianNeural = "de-DE-KillianNeural",
        // Greek
        elGRAthinaNeural = "el-GR-AthinaNeural",
        elGRNestorasNeural = "el-GR-NestorasNeural",
        // Hindi
        hiINMadhurNeural = "hi-IN-MadhurNeural",
        hiINSwaraNeural = "hi-IN-SwaraNeural",
        // Italian
        itITDiegoNeural = "it-IT-DiegoNeural",
        itITElsaNeural = "it-IT-ElsaNeural",
        // Japanese
        jaJPAoiNeural = "ja-JP-AoiNeural",
        jaJPNanamiNeural = "ja-JP-NanamiNeural",
        // Korean
        koKRInJoonNeural = "ko-KR-InJoonNeural",
        koKRSunHiNeural = "ko-KR-SunHiNeural",
        // Portuguese (Brazil)
        ptBRFranciscaNeural = "pt-BR-FranciscaNeural",
        ptBRAntonioNeural = "pt-BR-AntonioNeural",
        // Russian
        ruRUDmitryNeural = "ru-RU-DmitryNeural",
        ruRUSvetlanaNeural = "ru-RU-SvetlanaNeural",
        // Spanish (Mexico)
        esMXJorgeNeural = "es-MX-JorgeNeural",
        esMXDaliaNeural = "es-MX-DaliaNeural",
        // Spanish (Spain)
        esESElviraNeural = "es-ES-ElviraNeural",
        esESAlvaroNeural = "es-ES-AlvaroNeural",
        // Swedish
        svSESofieNeural = "sv-SE-SofieNeural",
        svSEMattiasNeural = "sv-SE-MattiasNeural",
  2. throttleDelay :

    • Expects a value in milliseconds.
    • This is the throttle duration for listening to the user.
    • The default is set to 2000ms.
  3. onEnd :

    • Expects a callback function that is invoked when the AI speech ends.
    • To invoke this, set shouldCallOnEnd to true.

useSpeak Hook Returns.

  1. speak :

    • Function to start text-to-speech recognition.
    • Expects a string argument to be converted to speech.
  2. interruptSpeech :

    • Function to stop the AI speech.
  3. hasAllSentencesBeenSpoken :

    • Returns a boolean value indicating if all sentences have been recognized.
  4. isSpeaking :

    • Returns a boolean value indicating if the AI is speaking.
  5. streamedSentences :

    • Returns an array of strings with all streamed sentences.


Contributions are welcome! Please read our Contributing Guide for more information.


This project is licensed under the MIT License.


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