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A mod which improves Minecraft's data driven world generation error detection and recovery mechanisms.


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cyanide seems to be something that will make me want to drink cyanide a lot less - Starmute, world generation datapack wizard.

A mod which substantially improves Minecraft's data driven world generation error detection and recovery mechanisms. For example, consider the following fairly common error in Vanilla:

Feature: Not a JSON object: "minecraft:disk_gravel"; Not a JSON object: "minecraft:disk_clay"; Not a JSON object: "minecraft:disk_sand"; Not a JSON object: "minecraft:ore_copper"; Not a JSON object: "minecraft:ore_lapis"; Not a JSON object: "minecraft:ore_diamond"; Not a JSON object: "minecraft:ore_redstone"; Not a JSON object: "minecraft:ore_gold"; Not a JSON object: "minecraft:ore_iron"; Not a JSON object: "minecraft:ore_coal"; Not a JSON object: "cyanide:broken_disk_gravel"; Not a JSON object: "minecraft:ore_deepslate"; Not a JSON object: "minecraft:ore_tuff"; Not a JSON object: "minecraft:ore_andesite"; Not a JSON object: "minecraft:ore_diorite"; Not a JSON object: "minecraft:ore_granite"; Not a JSON object: "minecraft:ore_gravel"; Not a JSON object: "minecraft:ore_dirt"
[19:04:44] [Render thread/WARN]: Failed to validate datapack
java.util.concurrent.CompletionException: Error loading registry data: No key snowy in MapLike[{"not_snowy":"true"}]

And now compare the error, using the exact same datapack, with Cyanide included:

Error(s) loading registry minecraft:worldgen/biome:
No key snowy in MapLike[{"not_snowy":"true"}]
	at: file "data/cyanide/worldgen/configured_feature/broken_disk_gravel.json"
	at: data pack
	at: reference to "cyanide:broken_disk_gravel" from minecraft:worldgen/configured_feature
Missing feature at index 7
	at: "features", step underground_ores, index 6
	at: file "data/cyanide/worldgen/biome/plains_broken_feature.json"
	at: data pack
Missing feature at index 6
	at: "features", step underground_ores, index 6
	at: file "data/cyanide/worldgen/biome/plains_unregistered_feature.json"
	at: data pack; 

Error(s) loading registry minecraft:worldgen/configured_feature:
No key snowy in MapLike[{"not_snowy":"true"}]
	at: file "data/cyanide/worldgen/configured_feature/broken_disk_gravel.json"
	at: data pack
Unknown element name: invalid_heightmap
	at: file "data/cyanide/worldgen/configured_feature/broken_disk_gravel_2.json"
	at: data pack


World Generation Data Pack Error Improvements

  • Append the file to each error message. (at: file "data/cyanide/blah/blah.json")
  • Append the source datapack to each error message (at: data pack
  • Group and categorize errors by registry.
  • Several improvements for error recovery:
    • If an error occurs during a single registry parsing, don't abort parsing others.
    • Record all errors that occur parsing a single registry, not just the first one.
  • Optional fields, in some cases, will error if a value is present, but invalid. Example:
In a biome json, the following is a valid temperature modifier.
It is the same as using a temperature modifier of 'none'.
In Cyanide, this would error.

"temperature_modifier": "hocus pocus!"
  • Improvements for select codecs, which now report trace information to identify where in the file an error occurred.
    • Features in biomes identify both the index in the list, and the index as a generation step.
    • Other fields such as carvers, surface_builder, etc. in biomes will be traced in error messages.
  • Removed the Feature: Not a JSON Object log messages. These are now upgraded to full errors.
  • Some fields, such as biome categories, temperature modifiers, and precipitations, have slightly improved error messages and will also show the range of valid values. Example:
Unknown category name: not_a_category, expected one of [none, taiga, extreme_hills, jungle, mesa, plains, savanna, icy, the_end, beach, forest, ocean, desert, river, swamp, mushroom, nether, underground]
	at: file "data/cyanide/worldgen/biome/invalid_category.json"
	at: data pack
  • Template pools have additional error reporting identifying where in the file errors had occurred.
  • Invalid processor lists in template pools will be caught at datapack load instead of at runtime, causing hard crashes.
  • Invalid registry entries will error at datapack load rather than either defaulting, or returning null at runtime.
  • Feature cycle errors are improved, and will now print the exact features, indices, and source biomes (all by registry name) in the cycle, in order of the cycle.
  • Improvements for log messages for invalid loot tables and recipes:
    • Stack traces are not printed to the log.
    • Offending file names are identified and printed instead.
  • The "Loaded X Recipe(s)" log message is now accurate.


A mod which improves Minecraft's data driven world generation error detection and recovery mechanisms.





